Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Typically, I enjoy reading Michelle Malkin's column and this one - Hillary, Interrupted - is a good example of why. Using her wit and humor to make me smile is a bonus to the actual logical arguments she makes. I like this paragraph in particular:

Ironically, the Clinton campaign publicized a letter this week from the candidate to a 7-year-old schoolgirl encouraging her to always "make your voice heard." She advised her young fan to not "be afraid to carve out a space of your own." Sound advice. But you can't have it both ways, sister. Either you're a strong woman warrior capable of handling anything -- or you're a grievance-mongering grouser who can't out-bellow the boys.

Malkin then follows up with this zinger:

Feminism is supposed to be about holding your own, not about being entitled to everyone else holding their tongues in your sainted presence.

It encapsulates the way some feminists but certainly not all think.

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