Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How Stupid Software Developers Can Be

It amazes me how stupid software developers can be. I just saw this on Microsoft: Upcoming Windows Update Might Fail If Your Hard Drive is Too Full Justin Pot @jhpot September 21st, 2018 and I'm mystified by what I read.

Full hard drives could cause an upcoming Windows update to fail,
according to Microsoft,
and the system will not check for adequate storage space before installing.

Side note: The above sentence could use a rewrite to end up like this: According to Microsoft, full hard drives could cause an upcoming Windows update to fail and the system will not check for adequate storage space before installing.

Back to the point of this post. Just who in the h-e-double toothpicks thought that it would be a good idea to add a check for adequate storage space before installing?!?!? Do software developers ever use software?!?!? I can't imagine any software developer I know who wouldn't throw a temper tantrum if they went to install new software that didn't check for adequate hard drive space prior to installing the software. Why? Simple: software installers have been doing that type of check since at least 1994, when I worked with a PC that ran Windows 3.1 and had a hard drive without adequate hard drive space to install Office 97. I remember inserting my 3.5" Install Disk 1 and seeing an error message that told me "You dodn't have enough space to install this!" Thank God for, which offers this piece of advice:

We recommend trying the Free Up Space tool, shown above. Find it in Settings > System > Storage to free up some space before running the October 2018 update.

Too bad has to pick up the slack of stupid software developers.

Editor's Note: You should not infer that the author believes ALL software developers are stupid.

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