Monday, September 24, 2018

Take This With a Grain of Thought

From WWE Hot Take of the Week: Crown Jewel and Super Show-Down Are Lazy Cash-Grabs:

Our first example of this was Greatest Royal Rumble. It's major selling point was just taking one of WWE's biggest matches of the year and making it bigger. They couldn't even think of a better title than to put "greatest" beforehand and slapped together the blandest and quickest logo possible, too.


It's major selling is what was intended, which translates to It is major selling.

Its major selling is what was likely intended, which leads me to rant a bit by saying how obvious it is to me that the writer used the smallest grain of thought possible to confuse "its" with "it's" in that sentence. I wasn't expecting much since the opening sentence promises to be "where the gloves are off" because "it's time to rant." Funny how "it's time to rant" is actually correct in the opening sentence, but by the 4th paragraph, there's not a care in the world regarding confusing "its" with "it's" in the article.

As I've pondered in other posts, I have the curse of seeing shitty writing and not being able to leave it alone.

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