Wednesday, January 30, 2013

40 Years of KISS & "National" Press Bullcrap

A couple of music things today. First, it is the 40th anniversary of KISS' first show. From their humble beginnings of playing in front of 10 people for $50 to now, when they charge at least $50 a ticket person, KISS has achieved what hundreds of bands will not come close to achieving. Some bands spend months in a basement and never play a gig (thinking of summer 1989 with Assume).

Moving on, I've been to a festival in Memphis, TN, twice - once in 2003, once in 2007. This is the press credentials section for the festival on their website:

It's a bunch of crap.

The third bullet wipes out and my attendance. There should be some sort of first come, first granted clause. I guarantee you that I, someone who writes for an independent site, am not going to approach my review like someone from a national site. As an independent writer, I am a fan of the bands that play the festival. I'm not forced to go - I want to be there. Those writers that are assigned to cover the event or forced to go will simply write a meaningless review that has no credibility. I've read those reviews over and over. For a long time, there was a concert reviewer that covered heavy metal concerts in the area. Without fail, she would criticize the bands that played. She would complain about the volume, about the acoustics of the arena, and the actual song titles? She couldn't be bothered to mention them correctly five out of ten times. Thus, attending a music festival should be based upon previous articles published, whether on the Internet or in print. It should be based upon your portfolio and if you are a first-time writer, sorry, denied. I have no idea how many press credential requests are submitted, but it seems to me, the attitude of this festival is that they have been burned previously by amateur writers just looking to get in to a show for free. They ruin it for the rest of us.

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