Monday, September 23, 2013

Lars is Making Me Go

My love for all things Metallica has not wavered over the years. Sure, I like Bayside just as much - my longtime friends are stunned I would write such blasphemy - but now, in September 2013, Metallica is making me travel to Waterloo to see a concert. The headliner is Saxon and the opening band is Fozzy, which has WWE wrestler Chris Jericho as their lead vocalist.

Confession: I don't know a single Saxon song. I can't hum a single riff or recite a single lyric. What does any of this have to do with Metallica? Well, per a video - maybe the "Cliff 'Em All" VHS tape - Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich stated that he was influenced by Saxon. Lars said it so it must be true. Here's the Top Ten list of their songs, but I truly have no idea if there are other songs that should be replacing the ones on the list.

I'm going mainly because it's an excuse to be with my friend Kevin. I worked with Kevin years ago and we have been friends since 1998. He lives in Marion and we don't hang out nearly enough. We've seen Slayer in Davenport,  went to Memphis in May 2007 and Opeth / Katatoniz in Minneapolis. We also went to see Shinedown / Three Days Grace / P.O.D. on 2/1/2013. We had lunch on 8/1/2013 and talked about life. I'm anxious to hear how life is nowadays for him.

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