Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Top 5 Things They Never Taught Me in Daddy School

  1. A teenage female requires 4 bottles of shampoo - 3 must be nearly empty - while a teenage boy requires 2.and only 1 must be nearly empty.
  2. If you ask, "Why is the waste basket overflowing?", he will answer, "She's a slob" and she will answer, ""It's his job to empty the trash."
  3. A teenage female requires 4 wash cloths while a teenage boy requires zero.
  4. A teenage female cannot see hair on the side of the shower but a teenage boy can see it with one eye closed.
  5. If you ask "Why are the clean towels on the floor instead of in the towel holder?", he will answer, "She brought them upstairs and didn't put them away" and she will answer, "Why do I have to do every thing around here?"

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