Monday, September 30, 2013

Government Shutdown?

Republicans and Democrats are playing a high stakes game of chicken. The Republicans are refusing to fund ObamaCare and the Democrats are refusing to accept any budget that excludes funding for ObamaCare. The deadline for this situation is tomorrow, October 1, 2013, and, as of this precise moment (10:49 AM on 9/30/2013), I'm not sure what is going to happen with this situation.

I know that my situation tonight is taking Alex to drum lessons - his last one until after basketball season! - then to open gym at West, and somehow catching WWE Raw. I know Megan works tonight (as well as Wednesday).

I would like to work on the conversion projects since tomorrow is 10/1 and I'd like to hit a higher number because I know that there are several duplicates (or the potential for duplicates based upon some searches for *(2)*.mp3 so when the batch file says: 62019 File(s) 523,486,363,004 bytes, I'm not entirely convinced I've crossed safely into the 62000 range.

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