Friday, September 6, 2013

Thoughts about Addiction

A film called "We're the Miller's" is playing at the Elkader movie theater this weekend. Before I made any effort to go see it, I checked out the review on It seems like it would be a decent movie. I did note the following comment here, which says, in part:

Parents should not draw a line to say "alcohol and marijuana are OK" and "Other drugs are addictive." Parents ... should understand that "addiction" is a state of mind. If you allow yourself to become addicted, you lose control. It may be as innocent as buying a chocolate cake at the grocery store, if you're addicted to sugar, or chocolate, or using food to treat depression. It doesn't matter what the abused substance is. The problem is addiction. Roger was an alcoholic, and even decades after he stopped drinking, he would go to meetings and admit, "My name is Roger and I'm an alcoholic."
Nothing refutes my argument. The number of Americans arrested for, doing prison time for, and losing their lives for marijuana is staggering. If you give the impression that the legal system in America is not going after marijuana dealers, you would be doing everyone a disservice.

I really like those words.

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