Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Temporary Farewell

I have these lyrics in my head:

I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again

Except that I'm not going on a jet plane - I'm leaving with Karen and the kids in the Ford F-150 - and I do know when I'll be back again - we leave on Wednesday morning for Louisville, KY. We'll be there until Friday, which is when we'll drive to Chesterfield, a St. Louis suburb, to go to the Chesterfield Mall. On Saturday, at some point, we'll get up and drive home. I expect to be able to write a blog post on Sunday, 3/23/14, sometime after we go to 11 AM Mass.

I went to bed last night kind of excited because on the St. Louis Craigslist site, there was someone giving away a box of CDs. I emailed the poster and was trying to set it up that the CDs could be dropped off at our hotel in Chesterfield, but when I looked this AM to put the contents of the ad in this post, I learned the ad has been deleted. Damn. I don't know if that means I get the CDs or not.

Anyways, back to work. I don't think I'll have time to write tonight as we're going to pack the Ford for leaving tomorrow, but maybe I will.

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