Saturday, March 8, 2014

Waiting All Week

I found this set of drums on the Chicago Craigslist site and have been meaning to upload the pictures because I know if I link to the ad, eventually some lucky cat will pay the $8000 and be the new owner. I will never own a set of drums like this. Honestly, I don't think I would like them and that's not sour grapes.
  1. I can't play double bass. 
  2. I play in Uncle Rico the Band. We are a cover band. Walking in and setting this up would not work.
  3. We purchased a treadmill, which sits where the drums I already own are set up when Lou's Classic Ride rehearsed or when my brother-in-law Mark came over. In fact, at this precise moment, my drums are stacked in the furnace room. That means these would need to not be set up as well, which would make me very sad.
  4. The $8000 for this set of drums was spent to send Megan to Europe as part of IAMB this summer. Additional funds that have been saved are already being used for replacing our roof this year. There's not another $8000 in the savings accounts!

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