Sunday, March 2, 2014

WWE in Cedar Rapids

Missed a good show, if you accept this report - - as entirely accurate. Of all the descriptions of the matches, I would have liked to have experienced the hype / pop for Daniel Bryan. I like watching him on Monday nights. I also am guessing that his battle with Kane in a steel cage was as awesome as it sounds. I would have also liked to have seen the Wyatt Family face off against the Shield. I kind of buy in to the idea that the Shield are going to split up relatively soon so it would have been good to see them before they do.

I do know that tomorrow night, I'm not going to allow myself to fall asleep prior to the final segment like I did last week, which is when the Undertaker made his return. I don't expect a twist like that tomorrow night, but I'd like to train myself to stay awake past 10 PM.

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