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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yes, I hit 60 today & some Nightwish / Sinergy / Sirenia tunes

Yesterday, when I left work, I had 58 things on my to do list. Keep in mind that those 58 neither itemize out the 32 e-mails with doc changes from my co-worker LMY nor the 18 e-mails that have been sent to my "documentation" address with suggestions for improving the doc. So, what happens today? Number 60 arrives. And, by the way, I assigned priorities - basically a count - to these 60 items. Numbers 36 and 41 and - yep = 60 are all being released on Friday to our clients.

So here are three bands on Nuclear Blast that kick butt: Nightwish, Sinergy, and Sirenia to help me forget about that.

1 comment:

John said...

Paul -- I think I have a new band I like! I Loved the Nightwish video! I viewed some more on YouTube -- and liked this one

as well.
Thanks for the video!