And the upcoming Lamb of God tour is not stopping in Iowa. There are 5 warmup acts. Why not? Didn't you like their last concert, nearly two years ago @ Hawkeye Downs. Why yes, I did like it. However, once again, a tour's schedule skips Iowa.
The dates for the No Fear Energy Music Tour are, coming from Colorado:
April 29, 2009 – Uptown Theater – Kansas City, KS
April 30, 2009 – Myth – St. Paul, MN
May 1, 2009 – Congress Theater – Chicago, IL
May 2, 2009 – The Pageant – St. Louis, MO
and then they're to the east in Indianapolis. Now... the only funny thing is that I could be in Chicago on May 1st. It's a Friday. My nephew's 1st Communion, in Chicago, is May 2. It is *possible* that we will go over the night before, depending upon the time of Mass. That is my only less than .0000000001% shot of seeing Lamb of God
Days like this are bittersweet. On one hand, sure, I'd love to see more shows. On the other hand, ticket prices are outrageous.
One final concert note. It was announced that Heart is playing an all ages
Or not. This is from 10/17 in Canada
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