Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Party House

Where is Manville Heights? No, it's not a Chicago suburb. It's the name of a neighborhood in Iowa City. The neighborhood is organized - there is even a "president of the Manville Heights Neighborhood Association" - Karin Southard - who spoke at the Iowa City City Council meeting last night. The neighborhood is distraught because the proposed Kinnick Stadium replica house at 101 Lusk Ave was approved at a previous meeting. They fear it will simply be a "party house" and are digging up all sorts of excuses for why the house should not be built - read more about it here.

Thinking about the concept of a party house made me think about the "party house" I used to drive past when I would go see Mom at the care facility in Cedar Rapids. I have really no idea whether it actually is a "party house" or not. I have no idea who even lives in the house but, on one of the trips to see Mom, I said to Megan, "That's a party house." The house is on a corner and to be very honest, I don't even think I can give directions to it - driving past it was simply part of the route to see Mom. It is a gorgeous house from the outside. It looks as though it would be big and spacious inside. On the second floor, there's a large deck with tall patio table and chairs and, if I think more about it, is why I described it as a "party house" - I think I saw empty beer bottles on that table when we drove by that day. 

A party house is not where I grew up. If anything, it was the most anti-party house you can imagine. Mom didn't drink; Dad didn't drink in front of us. Mom's brother, Jim, was an ex-Marine and always was a mean ol' cuss to myself. I didn't really know him. He passed away in 1997. Anyways, whether it was rooted in reality or not, Mom believed that Jim's drinking caused the end of his first marriage. Because of that guiding principle, Mom would get upset with me if she knew or even thought I was drinking booze. This guiding principle is what caused me to be grounded as a sophomore in college because I came home from Ken's wedding, drunker than snot, with muddy pants. I know I've described this incident elsewhere on this blog so I won't drudge it up today.

Back to the Manville Heights neighborhood, I understand both sides of the story. On one side, land was purchased by someone who lives not in Iowa City so a house can be built for when the someone comes to Iowa City to attend an Iowa game at Kinnick Stadium. On the other side, the neighbors like living in the area where they live. Personally, I think it would be hilarious if the someone got the house built, invited the neighbors over, and then photos of the neighbors - with a beer in their hand - were posted on Facebook. I think that would be really funny to see.

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