Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Kinda Sorta Both Sides of a Coin

Trump Says ‘No Computer Is Safe’ And He’s Totally Right

In his usual hyperbole, Trump has touched on a truth well-known in cyber security circles.

“The only secure computer is one that’s unplugged, locked in a safe, and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location… and I’m not even too sure about that one”
— Dennis Huges, FBI.

And this from 2014, from the head of the FBI’s Pittsburgh Cyber Squad:

“Really, the only safe computer is one that’s turned off and unplugged from the Internet, and even that may not be safe,” [J. Keith] Mularski told an audience at Carnegie Mellon University on Monday evening as he and co-panelists Nicolas Christin, an information systems security expert in CMU’s Cylab, and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review investigative reporter Andrew Conte debated the pros and cons of an increasingly wired world.

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