Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ten Albums I Listened to A Lot in 2016: #04 - Count the Stars "Never be Taken Alive"

This album has been one of my favorites since the first time I heard it in 2003. If this was a cassette instead of a CD, it would be worn out three times due to the number of times I've listened to it. I adore the lyrics, the smart drumming, the arrangements, the vocals, and the riffs. I don't think I left any element out, did I? It is the total package - the best 13 songs on a single album that I've heard. It always pains me when I realize that I feel like I am on an island because they never got the recognition that was deserving of their talent. I don't have a favorite song on this release and I don't have a single song that I cannot listen to "again" or "one more time." This release was on my cell phone for the majority of 2016.

Notes from the Editor:
  • Including an album in this Top Ten list should not imply an endorsement of the album as being "good" - nothing in the title of these posts states that these are "Ten GOOD Albums I Listened to A Lot in 2016". Pay attention to details.
  • Also, this is a post in a series of 10 that began being published at 7:30 PM on 12/28. The #1 album was to be posted at 11:59 PM on 12/28, with this schedule, but sometimes "life" takes away plans.
    1159 - 1
    1129 - 2
    1059 - 3
    1029 - 4
    0959 - 5
    0929 - 6
    0859 - 7
    0829 - 8
    0759 - 9
    0729 - 10

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