Friday, August 26, 2016

Catching up on the Political Trail

Sometimes, I think NBC Nightly News is a liberal powerhouse and only focuses on the negative when reporting about Republicans and only focuses on the positive when reporting about Democrats. On the surface, seeing the following two headlines might seem like evidence for that assessment. However, it occurred to me that the reason articles like these can be published is - gulp - Donald Trump said what he is quoted as saying in them. It's not fiction and you can read more in the links under the headlines later in this article. But first, I want to touch on another matter.

I first read about this when Erick Erickson wrote about this on Thursday, 8/18/16 so it's slightly outdated, but still relevant in the discussion about the media. The state of LA has had floods. Devastation everywhere. Donald Trump went to LA. Back a few years, President Obama criticized President Bush for not visiting the devastation in LA that came as a result of a hurricane. Fast forward to when Obama could do the opposite of what Bush did. Instead, in this article published on Saturday, 8/20/2016, Obama was on vacation. From Martha's Vineyard, Obama warned people to not be racist when it came to distributing help. They even had a nice picture of Obama in the "" newsletter:

Here are the headlines:

Trump Seems to Pivot on Immigration, While Asserting Clinton is a "Bigot"

In an attempt to reach minority voters - most who hold overwhelmingly negative views of him - Donald Trump has appeared to attempt an adjustment of his immigration plans.
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'He's Taking Hate Groups Mainstream': Clinton Lashes Out at Trump

In a speech in Reno, Nevada, Hillary Clinton went further than ever before - painting Donald Trump as an extremist that attracts his support from hate groups.
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I am curious as to how reporting that "Trump has taken hate groups mainstream" and then publishing that information in the mainstream media are different? It doesn't really matter as I'm pretty sure Donald Trump will say or do something today, Friday, 8/26/2016, to make yesterday's news seem like a drop in the ocean.

Editor's Note: Just noticed this relevant article.

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