Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dry Run for Metallica at Kinnick Stadium

I'm a white male who favors heavy metal over country. Thus, hearing about Blake Shelton playing at Kinnick Stadium on Saturday, 8/27, didn't really float my boat. The article about the transformation of Kinnick Stadium into a concert venue - here - includes this quote:

“There’s a thousand moving parts,” said Mark Jennings, UI associate athletics director and the university’s coordinator for the eight-hour event, which kicks off at 3 p.m. and is expected to wrap up around 11 p.m. “Never having done this before, everything’s new.”

Naturally, my assumption is that from all the work Jennings is doing, there will come a manual of procedures and processes that were followed to put on this concert that are unrelated to the actual band that is playing. That documentation would then be used for future concerts so that the any future concerts follow those procedures and processes, leading to a smooth concert setup experience for Jennings and his staff.

Stay with me.

That means in light of news about a pending Metallica tour in 2017 and my idea that Metallica should play at Kinnick Stadium, I think it's absolutely PERFECT that there is a Blake Shelton concert in Kinnick Stadium on Saturday. It's TOTALLY AWESOME because if Metallica were to be booked to play in Kinnick Stadium in 2017, there would be documentation to make it easier. That's one less hurdle any concert promoter would have to contend with, if Metallica would have been the first concert. They would have had to deal with "We've never done this before" negative attitudes.

NOW, though... it's been done at least once - the glass ceiling has been shattered!

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