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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I have a love/hate relationship with Papa Roach. I did not like their "Lovehatetragedty" release, but a few of their songs since then have made me a fan. I like their song "Scars" and I also like their new song called "Lifeline."
This is "Scars."
This is "Scars."
TWing as Marketing? DUH!?!? And other Revelations
A recent discussion on Techwr-l brought out this quote from John Posada, who posted:
EVERYTHING is marketing[,] right from the tone of voice when the company phone number is called through the usage of the application.
Everything a company does and how they do it makes an impact on every person it touches, always answering the question "Will I buy this again or do I consider buying from the competition?”
The discussion had to do with whether having all of the help for all of the systems - even ones that are not purchased - is a good strategy. I think it is. I think it is good so that, if in the right area of the help text, the user can read about something they haven't purchased in the hopes that it explains why what they thought would happen - such as a check box being enabled - did not happen - they didn't purchase a system option. It would irritate me to access a window and have a check box disabled and to go to the help and not be able to read why that check box is disabled. I pepper the documentation I write with a lot of "If you have purchased the [blah] system option, the [whatever] check box is eneabled."
What I really like about John's comment is that it is very true in my experience. Every contact you have with either an existing or a potential client is crucial in [all together now] "this uncertain economy."
On a side note, I think that there is a lot going on at work that is positive. I am a member of a project team - I'll call it the Pear project - that is revamping our documentation. It is really exciting to be in the center of an initiative that will improve our documentation. I am certain it will, ultimately, end up with even more work for me to do. I was also invited to a design review meeting on Monday. This project I'll refer to as the Orange project. I got involved more than I initially thought I was going to - since it was the first meeting I was in regarding the project being discussed - but I eventually chimed in and convinced the others in the room that what I proposed was a better approach. It only took 1 hour, 45 minutes.
Both of those projects have meetings to continue the project. I meet with the Orange project team members on Wednesday @ 11. I have an Pear project team meeting on Thursday to review what we will tell the CEO on Friday. I have a couple of other meetings mixed in - status meeting with my (cool) manager, review of recent enhancements to the system, company-wide staff meeting - so that is kind of nice. My wife did notice that I seem to be in more meetings last week and this week.
What I told my neighbor Fred was that I don't mind meetings. Especially with the Orange project, what would happen would be I would get the results of these team meetings to document and if I would question why it was done the way it was, I would be told that was what was decided in the meetings so, basically, don't ask for a change. By attending the Pear meetings, though, I can chime in, as I did on Monday, and offer my suggestion. I am hopeful that I can write more usable documentation. That's the simple goal.
Beyond the Pear and Orange projects, I've been able to knock a few things off my Bucket list. I still have a huge list. I am working my way through a few of them. What I'd like to do is reach a point where I can work on projects as they are routed to me, which I was able to do with a few things this week. My issue, though, is that it seems like I can't really dig into a project without constantly being interrupted for "do you have a minute?" type requests. That's a constant struggle.
That lays out my week.
EVERYTHING is marketing[,] right from the tone of voice when the company phone number is called through the usage of the application.
Everything a company does and how they do it makes an impact on every person it touches, always answering the question "Will I buy this again or do I consider buying from the competition?”
The discussion had to do with whether having all of the help for all of the systems - even ones that are not purchased - is a good strategy. I think it is. I think it is good so that, if in the right area of the help text, the user can read about something they haven't purchased in the hopes that it explains why what they thought would happen - such as a check box being enabled - did not happen - they didn't purchase a system option. It would irritate me to access a window and have a check box disabled and to go to the help and not be able to read why that check box is disabled. I pepper the documentation I write with a lot of "If you have purchased the [blah] system option, the [whatever] check box is eneabled."
What I really like about John's comment is that it is very true in my experience. Every contact you have with either an existing or a potential client is crucial in [all together now] "this uncertain economy."
On a side note, I think that there is a lot going on at work that is positive. I am a member of a project team - I'll call it the Pear project - that is revamping our documentation. It is really exciting to be in the center of an initiative that will improve our documentation. I am certain it will, ultimately, end up with even more work for me to do. I was also invited to a design review meeting on Monday. This project I'll refer to as the Orange project. I got involved more than I initially thought I was going to - since it was the first meeting I was in regarding the project being discussed - but I eventually chimed in and convinced the others in the room that what I proposed was a better approach. It only took 1 hour, 45 minutes.
Both of those projects have meetings to continue the project. I meet with the Orange project team members on Wednesday @ 11. I have an Pear project team meeting on Thursday to review what we will tell the CEO on Friday. I have a couple of other meetings mixed in - status meeting with my (cool) manager, review of recent enhancements to the system, company-wide staff meeting - so that is kind of nice. My wife did notice that I seem to be in more meetings last week and this week.
What I told my neighbor Fred was that I don't mind meetings. Especially with the Orange project, what would happen would be I would get the results of these team meetings to document and if I would question why it was done the way it was, I would be told that was what was decided in the meetings so, basically, don't ask for a change. By attending the Pear meetings, though, I can chime in, as I did on Monday, and offer my suggestion. I am hopeful that I can write more usable documentation. That's the simple goal.
Beyond the Pear and Orange projects, I've been able to knock a few things off my Bucket list. I still have a huge list. I am working my way through a few of them. What I'd like to do is reach a point where I can work on projects as they are routed to me, which I was able to do with a few things this week. My issue, though, is that it seems like I can't really dig into a project without constantly being interrupted for "do you have a minute?" type requests. That's a constant struggle.
That lays out my week.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Klingon = Clinton
From a newsletter:
"Last year we had the politically charged question of Obama and Osama then later the omission of Michael Palin (or was it Sarah Palin?) from the Word dictionary.
We’ve noticed another one that will offend Democrats and Star Trek fans, perhaps in equal measure.
Type Klingon into Word 2007 or Word 2003 (US English) – you’ll get a red squiggly line. That’s bad enough – you’d think there were more Trekkies/Trekkers at Microsoft to have noticed that dictionary omission.
Right-click on Klingon and see the first suggested alternative:
There you have it – proof at last of a link between the Bill Clinton, the current US Secretary of State and the most warlike species in Federation Territory. And it’s confirmed by Microsoft itself – so it must be true.
Obviously we’re kidding – no complaints please. "
"Last year we had the politically charged question of Obama and Osama then later the omission of Michael Palin (or was it Sarah Palin?) from the Word dictionary.
We’ve noticed another one that will offend Democrats and Star Trek fans, perhaps in equal measure.
Type Klingon into Word 2007 or Word 2003 (US English) – you’ll get a red squiggly line. That’s bad enough – you’d think there were more Trekkies/Trekkers at Microsoft to have noticed that dictionary omission
Right-click on Klingon and see the first suggested alternative:
There you have it – proof at last of a link between the Bill Clinton, the current US Secretary of State and the most warlike species in Federation Territory. And it’s confirmed by Microsoft itself – so it must be true
Obviously we’re kidding – no complaints please. "
David E. Hailey, Jr., PhD., has left the building
David E. Hailey, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professional and Technical Communication at Utah State University, resigned from the Techwr-l list today. I had enjoyed reading his posts over the last few months. In his resignation letter, he wrote:
"[I] joined the forum in hopes of keeping my finger on important issues in the field, and perhaps from time to time contributing something. But I have found that there are no important issues on this forum - just ongoing quibbling over insignificant issues. Moreover, I have found the forum uninterested in anything I might contribute. That said, I am wasting all of our time remaining here."
The reaction to all this has been somewhat subdued.
There was Jim - who had been cited earlier in the resignation - who wrote, "I have appreciated your contributions, and I certainly did not intend to offend you."
It wasn't until later in the day that Janice Gelb reminded me of the "big picture" in all of this. She wrote:
"... this isn't the first and definitely won't be the last time that someone online has provided a lengthy exposition of his or her own very individual ideas and then retreated when someone dared challenge them without ever responding to the challenge. My feeling is, if you're going to participate in an online forum, you have to be prepared to discuss and defend your ideas, not just deliver them from on high and expect them to be accepted just because you bluster about how well qualified you are to hold them and because a single preferred source of yours backs you up."
The big picture is this. I was driving north on I-380 this AM. I saw a man walking on the shoulder of the road, carrying a gas can. He was walking away from a car. Instantly, I knew he had run out of gas. The nearest gas station, from his car, was at least 4 miles away. On an impulse, I pulled over ahead of him. He ran up to my truck and I let him in. His name was James. He was on his way from Iowa City to Cedar Rapids and had run out of gas. His wife was still sitting in the car because she can't walk very well. She has Alzheimer's.
I gave him a ride to the nearest gas station. While we rode, we talked about his wife. We talked about how God doesn't give us more than we can handle. We talked about how his wife is not the same woman she used to be - that sometimes, she doesn't recognize him. He said that he had seen her go downhill in just the last year and that he didn't wish this disease on anyone, even his worst enemy.
At the gas station, I paid $3.66 to fill up his can. I drove him back down the interstate to the exit south of his car, then re-entered the interstate heading north. Soon after I had pulled up, a couple showed up in a car with a gas can full of gas. After the gas I had purchased was put in the car, they put their gas in the car. I gave James a hug and told him that he would be okay.
I think that people come into your life for a reason. I think that God directed me to pick up James and to help him. I think it was a sign. Out of all the people in the world, with all the different diseases in the world, why James? Why Alzheimer's?
That's why I also think, in the big picture, that whether David E. Hailey, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professional and Technical Communication Utah State University, resigned from the Techwr-l list today or not, is insignificant. Reality always trumps a virtual community.
"[I] joined the forum in hopes of keeping my finger on important issues in the field, and perhaps from time to time contributing something. But I have found that there are no important issues on this forum - just ongoing quibbling over insignificant issues. Moreover, I have found the forum uninterested in anything I might contribute. That said, I am wasting all of our time remaining here."
The reaction to all this has been somewhat subdued.
There was Jim - who had been cited earlier in the resignation - who wrote, "I have appreciated your contributions, and I certainly did not intend to offend you."
It wasn't until later in the day that Janice Gelb reminded me of the "big picture" in all of this. She wrote:
"... this isn't the first and definitely won't be the last time that someone online has provided a lengthy exposition of his or her own very individual ideas and then retreated when someone dared challenge them without ever responding to the challenge. My feeling is, if you're going to participate in an online forum, you have to be prepared to discuss and defend your ideas, not just deliver them from on high and expect them to be accepted just because you bluster about how well qualified you are to hold them and because a single preferred source of yours backs you up."
The big picture is this. I was driving north on I-380 this AM. I saw a man walking on the shoulder of the road, carrying a gas can. He was walking away from a car. Instantly, I knew he had run out of gas. The nearest gas station, from his car, was at least 4 miles away. On an impulse, I pulled over ahead of him. He ran up to my truck and I let him in. His name was James. He was on his way from Iowa City to Cedar Rapids and had run out of gas. His wife was still sitting in the car because she can't walk very well. She has Alzheimer's.
I gave him a ride to the nearest gas station. While we rode, we talked about his wife. We talked about how God doesn't give us more than we can handle. We talked about how his wife is not the same woman she used to be - that sometimes, she doesn't recognize him. He said that he had seen her go downhill in just the last year and that he didn't wish this disease on anyone, even his worst enemy.
At the gas station, I paid $3.66 to fill up his can. I drove him back down the interstate to the exit south of his car, then re-entered the interstate heading north. Soon after I had pulled up, a couple showed up in a car with a gas can full of gas. After the gas I had purchased was put in the car, they put their gas in the car. I gave James a hug and told him that he would be okay.
I think that people come into your life for a reason. I think that God directed me to pick up James and to help him. I think it was a sign. Out of all the people in the world, with all the different diseases in the world, why James? Why Alzheimer's?
That's why I also think, in the big picture, that whether David E. Hailey, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professional and Technical Communication Utah State University, resigned from the Techwr-l list today or not, is insignificant. Reality always trumps a virtual community.
So I'm wrong...
Slipknot w/ All that Remains and DevilDriver
US Cellular Center
Cedar Rapids, IA
Thu, May 14, 2009 07:00 PM
I've been told by several people that Slipknot is an amazing show. Maybe I'll have to take it in.
US Cellular Center
Cedar Rapids, IA
Thu, May 14, 2009 07:00 PM
I've been told by several people that Slipknot is an amazing show. Maybe I'll have to take it in.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Columbus - Paving the way

Rock on the Range 2009 is in Columbus, OH, a measly 8 hours away from my home. It is the distance from my house to Memphis so it's not *closer* to me than the Memphis in May concert I am not attending this year - but it is also two-day ticket packages are as low as $99.50. I could go to Memphis and have *3* days of concerts for ~$70...
Blasting Blaster
To counter-balance the Christian music of David Crowder, I have to let my metal out. Here's some blast beats...
Here's something really cool. Listen to the drum part for the Lamb of God song called "Set to Fail" and then listen to the whole band playing the song.
And then, because I wasn't feeling woefully inadequate enough after watching these amazing drummers - Bill Biskup, "drummer" is *not* a curse word - I found this:
Here's something really cool. Listen to the drum part for the Lamb of God song called "Set to Fail" and then listen to the whole band playing the song.
And then, because I wasn't feeling woefully inadequate enough after watching these amazing drummers - Bill Biskup, "drummer" is *not* a curse word - I found this:
New Music
I have no idea if the David Crowder is "new music" or not, but this band is new to me. Hence, they are coming to Iowa (!) on a Sunday in July :<) & it's in Davenport :<) Here's the scoop: David Crowder Band Sunday, July 19; 6:00 pm Adler Theatre Christian electronic rock and worship band, David Crowder Band, will perform at the Adler Theatre on July 19. Tickets are $15, $20 and $30.
Okay... I'm impressed.
I'm impressed with David Crowder but not with Metallica's fall 2009 tour. They are not coming *remotely* close to where I live for me to go see them.
September 14 Nashville, TN Sommet Center on sale April 4
September 15 Cincinnati, OH US Bank Arena on sale April 4
September 17 Indianapolis, IN Conseco Fieldhouse on sale April 11
September 19 Montreal, QC Bell Centre on sale April 4
September 28 San Antonio, TX AT&T Center on sale April 4
September 29 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center on sale April 4
October 1 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Bank Atlantic Center on sale April 4
October 3 Tampa, FL St. Pete Times Forum on sale April 4
October 4 Atlanta, GA Phillips Arena on sale April 4
October 12 Winnipeg, MB MTS Centre on sale April 4
==> October 13 Minneapolis, MN Target Center on sale April 4 <== This is a Tuesday night
October 15 Cleveland, OH Quicken Loans Arena on sale April 4
October 17 Charlottesville, VA JPJ Arena on sale April 11
October 18 Charlotte, NC Charlotte Bobcats Arena on sale April 4
October 26 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre on sale April 4
October 29 Ottawa, ON Scotiabank Place on sale April 4
October 31 Quebec City, QC Colisee Pepsi on sale April 4
November 9 Grand Rapids, MI Van Andel Arena on sale April 4
November 10 Buffalo, NY HSBC Arena on sale April 4
November 12 Albany, NY Times Union Center on sale April 4
November 14 New York, NY Madison Square Garden on sale April 11
==>December 5 Las Vegas, NV Mandalay Bay on sale April 4 <== This is the Saturday after my 40th birthday. Wouldn't that be a trip to go to Vegas for my 40th and experience Vegas *AND* Metallica... Fly out on my birthday and gamble all day, catch the show, fly home Sunday...
December 7 Boise, ID Idaho Center on sale April 4
December 8 Sacramento, CA ARCO Arena on sale April 4
December 10 Anaheim, CA Honda Center on sale April 11
December 12 San Jose, CA HP Pavillion on sale April 4
As far as the Midwest goes, that tour SUCKS. They are not even playing Chicago or St. Louis or Kansas City or even Omaha! It's terrible.
Okay... I'm impressed.
I'm impressed with David Crowder but not with Metallica's fall 2009 tour. They are not coming *remotely* close to where I live for me to go see them.
September 14 Nashville, TN Sommet Center on sale April 4
September 15 Cincinnati, OH US Bank Arena on sale April 4
September 17 Indianapolis, IN Conseco Fieldhouse on sale April 11
September 19 Montreal, QC Bell Centre on sale April 4
September 28 San Antonio, TX AT&T Center on sale April 4
September 29 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center on sale April 4
October 1 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Bank Atlantic Center on sale April 4
October 3 Tampa, FL St. Pete Times Forum on sale April 4
October 4 Atlanta, GA Phillips Arena on sale April 4
October 12 Winnipeg, MB MTS Centre on sale April 4
==> October 13 Minneapolis, MN Target Center on sale April 4 <== This is a Tuesday night
October 15 Cleveland, OH Quicken Loans Arena on sale April 4
October 17 Charlottesville, VA JPJ Arena on sale April 11
October 18 Charlotte, NC Charlotte Bobcats Arena on sale April 4
October 26 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre on sale April 4
October 29 Ottawa, ON Scotiabank Place on sale April 4
October 31 Quebec City, QC Colisee Pepsi on sale April 4
November 9 Grand Rapids, MI Van Andel Arena on sale April 4
November 10 Buffalo, NY HSBC Arena on sale April 4
November 12 Albany, NY Times Union Center on sale April 4
November 14 New York, NY Madison Square Garden on sale April 11
==>December 5 Las Vegas, NV Mandalay Bay on sale April 4 <== This is the Saturday after my 40th birthday. Wouldn't that be a trip to go to Vegas for my 40th and experience Vegas *AND* Metallica... Fly out on my birthday and gamble all day, catch the show, fly home Sunday...
December 7 Boise, ID Idaho Center on sale April 4
December 8 Sacramento, CA ARCO Arena on sale April 4
December 10 Anaheim, CA Honda Center on sale April 11
December 12 San Jose, CA HP Pavillion on sale April 4
As far as the Midwest goes, that tour SUCKS. They are not even playing Chicago or St. Louis or Kansas City or even Omaha! It's terrible.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday Quip
I once raised the question of what the proper plural would be for "Stradivarius." Would it be " Stradivarii"? The person I was talking to said that, since nobody could afford to own more than one, the question was moot. - David Downing
Pretty soon, I'm going to get my JS code that counts down to a specific date. I'm going to set it up for the Bayside gig in Des Moines, IA, on Wed, April 22.
Until then...
Some days
I get crazed
I don't know why it's all relevant
I'll take deep breaths
And keep control, go on.
I've tried brave
And you've tried to save
I'm proud to keep it bottled up
I think I past my prime and lost my mind and I'm torn.
No telling what tomorrow holds.
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
You're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
Some say
It's all fate
but I say we control our lives
And if my destiny should out best me then that's fine.
I make believe thrill and apathy co-exist in me fairly equally
The truth is doubts are all I've got to call mine.
No telling what tomorrow holds.
No telling what voice takes control.
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
And you're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
Is there anybody out there (out there)
Is anybody calling (anybody calling)
What if what i say is really wrong
Is there anybody out there (out there)
Is anybody calling (anybody calling)
What if what you say is really wrong.
I'm not in control, I think I'm out of control
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
And you're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
Pretty soon, I'm going to get my JS code that counts down to a specific date. I'm going to set it up for the Bayside gig in Des Moines, IA, on Wed, April 22.
Until then...
Some days
I get crazed
I don't know why it's all relevant
I'll take deep breaths
And keep control, go on.
I've tried brave
And you've tried to save
I'm proud to keep it bottled up
I think I past my prime and lost my mind and I'm torn.
No telling what tomorrow holds.
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
You're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
Some say
It's all fate
but I say we control our lives
And if my destiny should out best me then that's fine.
I make believe thrill and apathy co-exist in me fairly equally
The truth is doubts are all I've got to call mine.
No telling what tomorrow holds.
No telling what voice takes control.
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
And you're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
Is there anybody out there (out there)
Is anybody calling (anybody calling)
What if what i say is really wrong
Is there anybody out there (out there)
Is anybody calling (anybody calling)
What if what you say is really wrong.
I'm not in control, I think I'm out of control
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
And you're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Spring Break is Breaking me...
This is my schedule this week:
03/16/2009 Monday 10.00
03/17/2009 Tuesday 11.25
03/18/2009 Wednesday 11.75
03/19/2009 Thursday 11.00
03/20/2009 Friday 10.00
I have 63 .bmp files to insert into a Word doc tomorrow, plus prepare to release changes to the UI. It's 10:30 & and I'm toast.
03/16/2009 Monday 10.00
03/17/2009 Tuesday 11.25
03/18/2009 Wednesday 11.75
03/19/2009 Thursday 11.00
03/20/2009 Friday 10.00
I have 63 .bmp files to insert into a Word doc tomorrow, plus prepare to release changes to the UI. It's 10:30 & and I'm toast.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
LOG & Godsmack
After the day I had, I was ready to jam out to some Lamb of God and Godsmack. First, LOG:
and now some Godsmack, who are going to tour with Motley Crue this summer. Iowa? Of course not.
and now some Godsmack, who are going to tour with Motley Crue this summer. Iowa? Of course not.
Monday, March 16, 2009
By the way, here's more work...
I had kind of high hopes for this week but, already on Monday night, they are sinking. I was in a long meeting today about procedures in documentaiton. We need them, they are already there, but no one seems to know it. There's a meeting tomorrow about a project that several people attended training for so I get to learn what we are going to do, and then, on Wednesday, there's a meeting with senior management about documentation review. In the meantime, I need to insert .bmp files into a Word doc. In the meantime, I already feel overwhelmed by all the stuff being dumped on me. And that's not bird shit - that's the truth. I know I just need to take a deep breath. I have 8 total systems to develop UI changes for and I made it through ~75% of one today. Then there was the meeting and some client issues I need to resolve. I updated a single Word doc so at least I've got some documentation done.
It's funny. I feel like I will never catch up with anything. I feel like I am in a pit of sand and can't get a foothold to find my way out. And those feelings have been coming down on me for months. It is not getting easier for me to get my work done - in fact, it seems like there are new obstacles and new directions that keep getting in my way. The sheer amount of *work* that needs to be done by me is staggering.
I know with a positive attitude, I can make it through March and into April. I know what work has to be accomplished tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so, for the most part, my week is planned out. What hinders my productivity is the "small" things that creep up - like the doc change I did today and the client call reports I did not anticipate.
It is midnight now, I am getting up @ 4 to help Karen get ready to work - and then I am going to go into work. I anticpate a 12 hour day tomorrow.
It's funny. I feel like I will never catch up with anything. I feel like I am in a pit of sand and can't get a foothold to find my way out. And those feelings have been coming down on me for months. It is not getting easier for me to get my work done - in fact, it seems like there are new obstacles and new directions that keep getting in my way. The sheer amount of *work* that needs to be done by me is staggering.
I know with a positive attitude, I can make it through March and into April. I know what work has to be accomplished tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so, for the most part, my week is planned out. What hinders my productivity is the "small" things that creep up - like the doc change I did today and the client call reports I did not anticipate.
It is midnight now, I am getting up @ 4 to help Karen get ready to work - and then I am going to go into work. I anticpate a 12 hour day tomorrow.
Truly, A Good Time
Testament is one of the legends of thrash metal. I acknowledge their greatness. That said, the only release by them that I have listened to repeatedly is Practice What You Preach - not saying their later releases are not good. It was all about timing. I thought KISS' Destroyer release was their best - until I read all the haters that trashed it on the Internet. I wonder if they heard the same brilliance I did?
I digress. Testament is embarking on a US tour and, as has become the tradition on this blog, here are the Midwest dates that, of course, do not include Iowa and of course, it would be truly, a good time, to see them play. Here are the dates:
5/10 - Maplewood, MN – The Rock
5/12 – Milwaukee, WI – Eagles Theater
5/13 – Sauget, IL – Pop’s
5/15 - Chicago, IL – House of Blues
5/16 - Detroit, MI – Harpos
5/17 - Cleveland, OH – House of Blues
5/18 – Cincinnati, OH – Bogart’s
My co-worker told me that his co-worker at his other job said Slipknot is coming to the US Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids. A quick check of reveals only European tour dates. So, if they *are* coming, no one knows about it except for my co-worker's co-worker.
I digress. Testament is embarking on a US tour and, as has become the tradition on this blog, here are the Midwest dates that, of course, do not include Iowa and of course, it would be truly, a good time, to see them play. Here are the dates:
5/10 - Maplewood, MN – The Rock
5/12 – Milwaukee, WI – Eagles Theater
5/13 – Sauget, IL – Pop’s
5/15 - Chicago, IL – House of Blues
5/16 - Detroit, MI – Harpos
5/17 - Cleveland, OH – House of Blues
5/18 – Cincinnati, OH – Bogart’s
My co-worker told me that his co-worker at his other job said Slipknot is coming to the US Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids. A quick check of reveals only European tour dates. So, if they *are* coming, no one knows about it except for my co-worker's co-worker.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Bayside in Iowa!
AWESOME! Finally, Bayside is playing in Iowa. Granted, it's a) on a Wednesday night and b) it's in Des Moines - about 2 hours west of me - but THEY'RE PLAYING IN IOWA! And here's the best part: I'm going. My co-worker and friend Chris likes them too and we're going to make the trek to see them. They are the 3rd band on the bill and, frankly, I don't really care if we leave after they are done. I'd like to hang out a bit to see if they come out and sign autographs or something but beyond that, they are the only band I really want to see on the bill.
Apr 22, 2009 Des Moines, IA, US @ Peoples Court w/ New Found Glory, Set Your Goals, Verse
I had never listened to "Set Your Goals" so I found this:
Apr 22, 2009 Des Moines, IA, US @ Peoples Court w/ New Found Glory, Set Your Goals, Verse
I had never listened to "Set Your Goals" so I found this:
Slipknot / Opeth / Lamb of God
Without a doubt, I think these three bands should tour together. Slipknot should open, then Opeth, then Lamb of God.
E-mail from someone I know
Hey - sorry I haven't written for some time. You asked "how is your day going?"
I have to answer absolutely crazy. I walked in to work that a co-worker did not finish so it became my job. I'm trying to get work done for our next release but I have to get the CD created first. I went to create the CD and the files are more than 700 MB. The awesome programming for the rewrite of our systems continues and I'm really excited. Today, they're involving me in their discussion about how to allow a user to quickly add a value to a drop-down list. They're talking about a + icon to the right of the drop-down and how it should be aligned and the works. It's really cool to be talking about the nuts and bolts of the software. There's some work in the UI that I haven't had time to do. I was trained on it back in October but I haven't touched it since. So there's discussions now about me taking a couple of days to teach someone else how to do it.
And in the middle of all this chaos - with my Metallica "Death Magnetic" playing in my headphones - what were my co-workers talking about?
Bird shit.
I'm racing around trying to get crap done and they're talking about bird shit not coming out of clothes.
Eventually, everything worked out. I got my work done.
It shouldn't bother me that my co-workers were talking about bird shit. It really shouldn't. I really find it disrespectful of others at the company that are attempting to get their long to do list done.
So tomorrow, I'm hoping to have more time to get the GUI development done because I have to cut tomorrow so I can burn a CD on Friday.
Write back when you have time."
I have to answer absolutely crazy. I walked in to work that a co-worker did not finish so it became my job. I'm trying to get work done for our next release but I have to get the CD created first. I went to create the CD and the files are more than 700 MB. The awesome programming for the rewrite of our systems continues and I'm really excited. Today, they're involving me in their discussion about how to allow a user to quickly add a value to a drop-down list. They're talking about a + icon to the right of the drop-down and how it should be aligned and the works. It's really cool to be talking about the nuts and bolts of the software. There's some work in the UI that I haven't had time to do. I was trained on it back in October but I haven't touched it since. So there's discussions now about me taking a couple of days to teach someone else how to do it.
And in the middle of all this chaos - with my Metallica "Death Magnetic" playing in my headphones - what were my co-workers talking about?
Bird shit.
I'm racing around trying to get crap done and they're talking about bird shit not coming out of clothes.
Eventually, everything worked out. I got my work done.
It shouldn't bother me that my co-workers were talking about bird shit. It really shouldn't. I really find it disrespectful of others at the company that are attempting to get their long to do list done.
So tomorrow, I'm hoping to have more time to get the GUI development done because I have to cut tomorrow so I can burn a CD on Friday.
Write back when you have time."
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sent Anonymously
Normally, I wouldn't link to anything sent to me anonymously, but this was really funny.
This was funny too: how to take a shower:
And this is the shower video I was really looking for:
How To Shower - Men Vs Women - The most popular videos are here
This was funny too: how to take a shower:
And this is the shower video I was really looking for:
How To Shower - Men Vs Women - The most popular videos are here
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Big Step
Before I left work on Friday, I powered down my PC. I knew that was the only way I would not work over the weekend. That's a big step, for me, considering what I have written about in this blog.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
No Complaint - It's called "Reality"
I am tired.
I have been sleeping very deeply this week and when I get home from work, I'm tired. It's now 7:30 and, already, I'm thinking about "Lost" being over @ nine and in bed by 9:30.
I have to write my review of Opeth's "The Roundhouse Tapes" for DV.
I have a den that is an absolute pit.
I have tons of unread messages in my hotmail account.
I have tons of work that I could be doing @ home, from home, to get caught up. The next few days are going to upswing in terms of the demands being put on me with a cut of the help supposedly being this Friday.
And when I get home, I just want to go to bed.
I have been praying for candidates that are going to be on a CEW this upcoming Friday through Sunday. I pray during my commute to and from work. I pray that they have a good weekend and that the Holy Spirit finds them and helps them on their journey. To do so, I have not listened to the radio this week when I am in the truck to and from work. Tomorrow is a lot of driving (for me). I am going to work in CR, I leave work @ 2:50 to pick Megan up by 3:30 and to be back home by 3:50. It is a tight timeframe and I *cannot* leave later than 2:50. In fact, 2:49 would be perfect.
The funny thing is that this is my "month off" because baseball will start up again in April. Then games will start up and then the mowing season will kick in and I'll be back to mowing at least once a week. So this is my easy month. Time to relax. Time to take it easy and refresh after the craziness of February.
"Lost" is on in 24 minutes and two kids need to be in bed by its start.
I have been sleeping very deeply this week and when I get home from work, I'm tired. It's now 7:30 and, already, I'm thinking about "Lost" being over @ nine and in bed by 9:30.
I have to write my review of Opeth's "The Roundhouse Tapes" for DV.
I have a den that is an absolute pit.
I have tons of unread messages in my hotmail account.
I have tons of work that I could be doing @ home, from home, to get caught up. The next few days are going to upswing in terms of the demands being put on me with a cut of the help supposedly being this Friday.
And when I get home, I just want to go to bed.
I have been praying for candidates that are going to be on a CEW this upcoming Friday through Sunday. I pray during my commute to and from work. I pray that they have a good weekend and that the Holy Spirit finds them and helps them on their journey. To do so, I have not listened to the radio this week when I am in the truck to and from work. Tomorrow is a lot of driving (for me). I am going to work in CR, I leave work @ 2:50 to pick Megan up by 3:30 and to be back home by 3:50. It is a tight timeframe and I *cannot* leave later than 2:50. In fact, 2:49 would be perfect.
The funny thing is that this is my "month off" because baseball will start up again in April. Then games will start up and then the mowing season will kick in and I'll be back to mowing at least once a week. So this is my easy month. Time to relax. Time to take it easy and refresh after the craziness of February.
"Lost" is on in 24 minutes and two kids need to be in bed by its start.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
That You Do Thing
Yesterday, we got back from Alex's basketball tournament in Lone Tree around 5:05. I turned on the TV and on the Fox Movie channel, the movie that had just started was called "That Thing You Do," a movie Tom Hanks directed. I started watching it. Good flick.
Dudes End Season & other (mostly) Positive Notes
Alex's basketball season is over. We played in a tournament in Lone Tree. We were schooled in the first game and lost by 30 points. To our credit, we played better in the second half than we did in the first half. We played better defense, shot selection was better, and we passed more. We won our second and third games, During the last game, Alex made 2 baskets. The smile on his face was huge and I am very proud of him. So I am very happy with how the season ended. It was not without some drama but, for the most part, it was a good season. We do not have practice today and probably won't think about basketball until August. Baseball season is next. I anticipate that we will start practices in April so we have one month where we don't have a go-go-go schedule as far as sports.
I think that we will maintain a very busy schedule, though, because we have lots going on in our lives. In addition to the usual piano lessons, sax lessons, tutors, and school functions, we also have the CEW (Christian Experience Weekend) coming up. I've been involved with CEW since March 1998 when I attended my first one in Dubuque. I think that each weekend is special and hits home in a unique way. I wouldn't be involved with them if they weren't a powerful element in my faith life.
Speaking of faith, we are playing @ 11 AM Mass today. Alex is excited because our Music Director told me I could have the set of Ludwig drums that are in the storage room behind the altar. I will need to get new drumheads, at some point, and clean them up but they will be a good first set of drums for Alex, who will start drum lessons fairly soon. There is a snare, a bass, and a tom. The idea is that the storage room where the furnace is located will be set up so that the drums can be set up. A few things need to happen first, though, like reorganizing that storage room and getting a rug to put under the drums so that they don't slide when Alex plays.
I have a review of Opeth's "The Roundhouse Tapes" to write, some work @ work to do to finish up what I didn't get done on Friday, and some other things that need to be done.
Oh yeah. Work? I have my days scheduled out to September. There are a lot of projects and initiatives to complete. It is going to be interesting to get through everything. I wanted to get through all the work on my list by June 1st, but with the schedule I was given on Friday for our next release, I don't think that is likely to happen. As always, there is a very tight deadline and, as always, too much work to be done within not enough time to do it. It's similar to when I had 12 weeks of work to do within 4 weeks. There are a lot of projects that should already be done but they are not and, frankly, I will not have time to work on them because of the *other* stuff that has to be completed. I sometimes feel like I'm Lando Calrissian as depicted in this scene in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, the projects I have to do are Chewbacca, and all my users are Princess Leia, wanting answers as to why the projects aren't done.
I think that we will maintain a very busy schedule, though, because we have lots going on in our lives. In addition to the usual piano lessons, sax lessons, tutors, and school functions, we also have the CEW (Christian Experience Weekend) coming up. I've been involved with CEW since March 1998 when I attended my first one in Dubuque. I think that each weekend is special and hits home in a unique way. I wouldn't be involved with them if they weren't a powerful element in my faith life.
Speaking of faith, we are playing @ 11 AM Mass today. Alex is excited because our Music Director told me I could have the set of Ludwig drums that are in the storage room behind the altar. I will need to get new drumheads, at some point, and clean them up but they will be a good first set of drums for Alex, who will start drum lessons fairly soon. There is a snare, a bass, and a tom. The idea is that the storage room where the furnace is located will be set up so that the drums can be set up. A few things need to happen first, though, like reorganizing that storage room and getting a rug to put under the drums so that they don't slide when Alex plays.
I have a review of Opeth's "The Roundhouse Tapes" to write, some work @ work to do to finish up what I didn't get done on Friday, and some other things that need to be done.
Oh yeah. Work? I have my days scheduled out to September. There are a lot of projects and initiatives to complete. It is going to be interesting to get through everything. I wanted to get through all the work on my list by June 1st, but with the schedule I was given on Friday for our next release, I don't think that is likely to happen. As always, there is a very tight deadline and, as always, too much work to be done within not enough time to do it. It's similar to when I had 12 weeks of work to do within 4 weeks. There are a lot of projects that should already be done but they are not and, frankly, I will not have time to work on them because of the *other* stuff that has to be completed. I sometimes feel like I'm Lando Calrissian as depicted in this scene in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, the projects I have to do are Chewbacca, and all my users are Princess Leia, wanting answers as to why the projects aren't done.
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