I have to hand it to the radio station near Peoria, IL. Their concert page is organized by area, not just a list of dates where Omaha is next to the Twin Cities and they don't list Moline, IL, even though it's closer to them than either of those two cities. I don't get it.
Peoria, IL, is the *closest* this band is getting to my area. It is only 2 hours 37 minutes / 160.61 miles away. Here's the map: One final thought. I have the Scorpions' "Lovedrive" release. Rarely listen to it but I had "Coast to Coast" in my head.
"Wow! What a game. Iowa scored on fourth and goal as time expired as Ricky Stanzi hit Marvin McNutt for the go ahead touchdown and the Hawkeyes hang on to remain undefeated at 8 - 0 as they win 15 - 13. Iowa drove 70 yards in 1:37 to survive the scare as a loss would have been a huge hit to their BCS hopes. In a game that had minimal offense though 57 minutes there was 16 points scored and three lead changes in the final three minutes. Crazy! Should be interesting where Iowa stands when this weeks BCS standings come out."
There was a point in time where I considered driving up to the Twin Cities to see Metallica in concert, with Lamb of God opening. If I had gone and got tickets prior to the show selling out, this is the show I would have seen last week: 10/13/09 Target Center, Minneapolis, MN That Was Just Your Life The End of the Line Ride The Lightning Holier Than Thou One Broken, Beat & Scarred Cyanide Sad But True Welcome Home (Sanitarium) All Nightmare Long Kirk Solo #1 The Day That Never Comes Master Of Puppets Fight Fire With Fire Kirk Solo #2 Nothing Else Matters Enter Sandman Encore Jam Die Die My Darling Motorbreath Seek and Destroy And in other news, I found this:
My friend Phil shared this video of the Texas Hippie Coalition on his Facebook page:
I LIKE that one and I like this one too!
FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (October 15, 2009) - Been thinking about a vacation? Love rock n' roll? Want to try a cruise? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then ShipRocked is for you - but act fast because cabins are nearly sold out! ShipRocked is the hardest rocking floating festival of 2009 featuring Queensryche, Tesla, RATT, Skid Row, Lynam, Endeverafter, Broken Teeth, Stereoside, Stonerider and the Niki Barr Band. The cruise sets sail from Ft. Lauderdale on November 15 and returns you to reality five days later. Along the way, ShipRocked ports in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and Georgetown, Grand Cayman. For more information, visit http://www.getshiprocked.com/ Worried about the economy? Who isn't?! If you book now, you'll get in on special pricing for the last few remaining cabins. From now until they are gone, cabins will be sold on a "guarantee basis" which means you are guaranteed an interior, ocean view or balcony stateroom with a chance of an upgrade - without the extra cost! All cabins are subject to availability, and start at only $749 (per person, double occupancy). The prices include your cruise (room and board), all the concerts, meet and greets and other exclusive events during the trip. For booking and more information, please visit www.getshiprocked.com, or call 877-855-5502. Remember - once all cabins are booked no more can be added, so don't delay. You don't want to miss the boat on the year's biggest music event.
During ShipRocked, you'll be entertained by Queensryche, Tesla, RATT, Skid Row, Lynam, Endeverafter, Broken Teeth, Stereoside, Stonerider and the Niki Barr Band. You'll also have time to relax on the beach while in port, rock out in clubs around the ship, express yourself during heavy metal karaoke and dress up like it's 1989 during the 80s Prom Night!
ShipRocked sails November 15 -20, 2009 on the beautiful MSC Poesia. The Poesia is the third vessel in the MSC Cruise Line's "Musica" family of ships. This ship features MSC Cruise Line's signature Italian inspired decor, impeccable service, sumptuous cuisine in multiple restaurants, beautiful swimming pools, hot tubs plus a full-service spa and fitness center.
ShipRocked will truly be the ultimate rock and roll vacation and backstage pass!
Which way is the bus below traveling? To the left or to the right?
Can't make up your mind? Look carefully at the picture again.
Still don't know?
Pre-schoolers all over the United States were shown this picture asked the same question. 90% of the pre-schooler's gave this answer 'The bus is traveling to the left.'
When asked, 'Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?'
They answered: 'Because you can't see the door to get on the bus.'
From my mother-in-law . . . WHERE DID THE WHITE MAN GO WRONG? TOUGH TO ARGUE WITH THIS ONE .. Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white U.S. government official, 'You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done.'
The Chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued, 'Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?'
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied,'When white man find this land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.'
Then the chief leaned back and smiled, 'Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.'
And, given today's report by the health insurance industry, essentially saying, "If you pass the Baucus (e.g. -- weak) health insurance reform plan, we'll raise everyone's premiums by up to $1700 annually for a family, and $600 individually, going up to an additional $4,000 for a family and $1500 for an individual in 5 years," it may well be time to tell the for profit insurance industry to deal with government competition. I mean, doesn't this sound like an industry that knows it won't have to respond to any downward price pressure? Doesn't it feel like they know no insurance company is going to undercut their pricing?
First, KRNA actually played this song on the radio while I was pumping gas into Karen's van @ Casey's. I remember when this came out, it was "so rebellious" for the same band that had won over the world with "Paradise City" and "Sweet Child of Mine" to sing about murder. There's a cassette of Old Stew playing this song at rehearsal in 1992.
Then, on the way home, The Fox 100.7 played this song:
But it actually sounded more like this. I have always remembered that I auditioned for a band (on drums) in Urbana. This is one of the songs we played and I hadn't heard the song before. I remember the singer and guitarist trying to teach where the snare hits were. I know I totally flubbed up the audition on this song.... I think they had a tape of it and had me listen to it, then we tried it again. Never played with them beyond that...
I don't know what they are teaching at Alex's school. I didn't get home until after 7:00 due to a meeting and then turning in $8.75 at Fareway in cans and bottles. When I tucked him in, he told me that Michael Jackson sang, "We are the World." This kid wants to rewrite history. "No," I told him, "there were more singers than Michael Jackson."
"But Dad, I saw it on youtube," he defended himself.
"You were on youtube, when I wasn't home?" I arched my eyebrows in disapproval.
"Dad, I looked for 'we are the world' and found Michael Jackson. Then I clicked 'Delete Browser History.'" he told me.
So wrong that an 11 year-old thinks to cover his Internet tracks with deleting his browsing history.
BUT.... before I get on to the video he saw, this is the video *I* saw tonight! NEW 1997!!! Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from youtube.com so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.
Michael Jackson's demo of "We are the World"
Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from youtube.com so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.
According to Michael Hiltzik's recent column in the LA Times, tort reform doesn't help consumers, just insurers. He bases it on the history of tort reform in California that we've been living under for 34 years.
At work, I burned 49 CDs x 3 to release to our clients. I also worked on converting a 3rd party Word doc to HTML. I also got to sit in the CEO's office with my manager on a conference call regarding a major business decision that needs to be made - can't disclose the details publicly.
Last night was the Lamb of God / GWAR / Job for a Cowboy show in Des Moines. I didn't go. I stayed home and watched "Aliens vs Monsters" and it was okay. Some corny jokes.
Then I watched "Seven Pounds" with Will Smith. Uh, I didn't really like it. I know it's one of those 'unfolding' type movies where the details and motivation behind the character is presented slowly, but it just didn't keep my interest. If you haven't seen it, be prepared for a slow moving movie.
Today is Iowa v. Michigan @ 7 PM. Lots of drunk Iowa Citians already at 9 AM, I'm guessing. I'll watch it on TV.
There are 2 theories on arguing with women. Neither works.
Life is too short for drama & petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, Love truly and forgive quickly
Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.
Next, Word 2007 uses styles to control formatting. A lot of writers don't give a damn about styles. Case in point, there should only be 9 Heading styles:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Heading 7
Heading 8
Heading 9
Next, health care... Everyone knows something about this issue. Here's an article about why Congress has awesome health care: Health Care for the US Congress
Next, if I had to pick 25 CDs to take with me on a tropical get-away, given that there is already a stereo there, I'd pick these 25:
AC/DC - Back in Black
Anthrax - Among the Living
Fear Factory - Archetype
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Dangerous Toys (self-titled debut)
Destroyer - KISS
Disarray - In the Face of the Enemy
Dokken - Under Lock and Key
Guns-in-Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Scorpions - Love at First Sting
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Metallica - And Justice for All
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Motley Crue = Shout at the Devil
Ozzy Osbourne - The Ultimate Sin
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Ratt - Out of the Cellar
Riot - The Privilege of Power
Rush - Moving Pictures
Sacrament - Lamb of God
Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
Slayer - South of Heaven
White Lion - Mane Attraction
These are all CDs that I cherish.
Next, I was genuinely interested in the following snip that was passed along on an email list. I asked that the URL with this info be shared. First, the snip that got my attention:
Here's an example:
"January 12, 2007 - The U.S. House passed a bill that says the minimum wage in this country will rise over time from $5.15 an hour to $7.25. Included in the small print is the fact that the minimum wage will now include the islands of the northern marinas but it exempts American Samoa which is the only U.S. Territory not subject to minimum wage laws.
Why? Star-Kist Tuna is a major employer there, with its headquarters in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district."
Here's the original story: http://preview.tinyurl.com/yeod65h
Next, here's a piece that I have a hard time agreeing with: http://preview.tinyurl.com/y85d7a4
I think it's stupid to not want our president to be successful. I think it's terrible to be happy Chicago didn't get the Olympics is anything but terrible. Shame on those that think Obama is not their president.
On on we go...
Why the hell do all the good bands break up?!? Like this style of music better than Metallica on most days.
36 Crazy Fist is coming out with a new DVD. Here's the lead-off track on their CD:
I went in search of a Megadeth video and found a drummer playing along to "Symphony of Destruction." Turns out he's in a band called "Black Metal Box." Kick BUTT!!
Okay... At last year's Wrestlemania, Ric Flair, shown below, "retired" from professional wrestling following a multiple month build up where multiple stars tried to defeat him. The stipulation was that if Flair lost a match, he was done. He wrestled Shawn Michaels @ WM and won, launching a feud between him and Batista. Flair made at least one appearance on an edition of Monday night Raw after the Monday after WM but, after that, he has been off of WWE programming, though occasionally mentioned by the announcers. Why is any of this relevant? Well, I am reading reports that Hulk Hogan has created a professional wrestling tour where he and Flair will wrestle in the main event. There are also rumors that Hulk Hogan will show up on TNA, the only professional wrestling organization that is directly competing with WWE. I saw the above poster and thought, you know what? That poster has it right. If Flair's body authentically cannot handle the wear and tear anymore, then he should retire and be done. Seriously. What the hell?
Why did the Iowa Hawkeyes nearly give away yesterday's game? I don't know but that is what they did yesterday. They had a commanding lead and wham! within a short period of time, Arkansas State made the game a lot closer than I felt comfortable with as Megan and I stood in the stands and cheered. I hope the team that doesn't make mental mistakes shows up at Kinnick to play Michigan next week. Yesterday's crowd was good, but it wasn't a sell-out, which is disappointing. There were times where the crowd was literally silent when ASU did something excellent. I hope next week's game is good. I think the Hawkeyes will be pumped up and ready to rock the joint. Michigan lost a close one in OT to MSU yesterday so they will not want to lose two in a row.
Exactly 11 years ago yesterday was my last day at my previous employer. I had been writing documentation for their software. I had an office, with a door, and the fastest PC in the company. I had a CD burner. I had total control over what the doc looked like. I had a window.
I had an office with a door.
Sometime in July 1998, the company understood they were having financial issues. My co-workers and I would sit at the lunch table and hope the mailman would bring a check from a client solely so that payroll could be met. I know for a fact that the owner of the company took money from his personal funds in order to keep the company afloat during those times. I was asked to stop writing documentation – which was non-billable work – and to start data entry of client data – which was billable work.
I tell that story only because the subject of “I should get a raise” reared its ugly head on HATT. Catherine said she wanted a raise because: First, because I want to be paid the same sort of rate as the rest of the team, as I am making at least as equal a contribution as the least productive member. Second, I have sole responsibility for the docs for this team, with no help and no guidance. Third, I have introduced localisation methods to my employer that weren't used before. Good luck to all those seeking raises!