Friday, September 22, 2017

Great Sales Pitch But ...I Don't have a DeLorean

Note the Sent line below:

Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 4:03 AM
Subject: What's common between Seinfeld and VBA + Limited Time Offer

Today is Friday, September 22, 2017. Now, keep that date in mind because, below, it will be important. This is the rest of the email:

I am sure you have heard of Seinfeld.
It was (and still is) a popular sitcom that aired during the 1990s.
The protagonist and creator Jerry Seinfeld quickly became a household name and one of the highest paid actors.
And as all good things come to an end, Seinfeld show ended in 1998.
But what's interesting is what happened after the show ended.
Once a TV show ends, every time there is a re-run, the creators get paid.
This has resulted in an income of more than USD 3.1 billion for the show so far (just by reruns).
Jerry Seinfeld, who is the co-creator of the show, has pocketed more than USD 400 million till date. Apart from this, he gets a cut whenever DVDs of the show are sold.
The paychecks keep coming in even after 19 years since the show ended.
Now, what has it got to do with VBA?
While Seinfeld created the show, he saw immediate gains in popularity and income. But the benefits didn't stop when the show ended. It continued to bring him work and paychecks.
Now, what if you can do something that will continue to reap benefits in the future?
While I can't talk about other parts of your life, but when it comes to Excel, VBA can enable you to do this.
Using VBA, you can easily automate tasks. All you need to do is invest the time to learn it and then create a useful macro. Once created, it can be reused over and over again.
And every time you use it, it saves you time.
To give you an example, if you create something that saves you 5 minutes every day, that will result in more than 30 hours of time saved every year.
Imagine how much time you can save if you create multiple such macros.
With VBA:
• You can save tons of time by automating tasks and data analysis.
• You can create your own functions and add-ins. This allows you to get those things done that may not be possible with Excel's inbuilt functions and features.
• You look smart (who doesn't want that?). It's a skill that is in high-demand by the employers, and makes you stand out from the crowd.
If you would like to learn VBA, I recommend you check out my Excel VBA course.

>> Click here to join the Excel VBA Course << The course closes for enrollment on September 19, 2017 (11:59 Pacific time)

With this VBA course, you get: • 10+ hours of VBA learning • Downloadable videos that you can download and watch from any device (without internet). • Downloadable example files used during the recording of the course. • Bonus: Access to Useful VBA Code Library • Bonus: VBA Toolkit for Dashboards This course is meant for VBA beginners. So even if you a complete newbie and have no idea what VBA is, you will be able to reap benefits from this course. I offer this course only a couple of times in a year. Once closed it will not be offered in 2017 again (no exceptions). It is a self-paced course so you can enroll and learn whenever you have time. I am also offering this course at a 20% OFF the regular fee. I can't guarantee that the price wouldn't go up the next time (as I continue to add more bonuses and videos to the course). >> Click here to join the Excel VBA Course <<
In case you have any queries, just reply to this email.
Look forward to seeing you in the course section.

Did you catch that? The email was sent on September 22, 2017, for a class that closes for enrollment on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2017! Fire up the DeLorean cause going back in time is the only way I can sign up for the course!

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