Sunday, January 10, 2010

Post #500 Had to be about Metallica...

My original goal was to conclude 2009 with my 500th post to this blog. That didn't happen. So today, I reach that milestone. The purpose of this blog has been to maintain a journal of things I am interested in. I have one follower and that's okay with me. I hope that someday more will care about what I write about.

In the meantime, is the new Metallica DVD that I am definitely considering for purchase. I have some Best Buy gift cards and I can think of no better way of spending them than on this DVD. After all, I gave up seeing them on tour over a year ago because I didn't want to go by myself. I should have. I regret it. Now, Metallica is touring Europe and South America. My guess is that the likelihood of them returning to eastern Iowa in 2010 is not very high. In fact, their current tour dates on their website take them into June 2010. I am thinking that they will finish their tour in July 2010 and then take the rest of the year off before starting to work on their next release in early 2011 with a planned release in early 2012. I don't really know if that's what they are going to do or not - I have no insight.

1 comment:

Raphaela Valente Souza said...

I wish I could go to one of those shows here in my country!