Tuesday, April 29, 2014


It's simply too easy for "music fans" or even "musicians in bands" to criticize Metallica. Asking Alexandria is the latest and, in the video here, it's clear they don't like Metallica:

This article on the Metal Sucks website does a good job of refuting the points made in the video, especially about the assertion that "the only metal band that “managed to hang for dear life was Guns N’ Roses, when they put out the Use Your Illusions records" made in the video by pointing out, "those albums came out just a week apart."

And reading the comments below the video makes me chuckle uncontrollably. How many of the people that post criticisms of Metallica are in a band? Even if you were a drummer playing the most simple 18 Metallica songs, at the end of the gig, you'd be tired. The criticisms about Lars Ulrich are delusional ramblings. 

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