- They were overrated from the beginning.
- All this hype about football - it's stupid.
- Why can't Iowa win a big game?
So, now, with the game over and the agony of defeat soaking into every Iowa fan's brain, my opinion is that I wish they would have won, sure, but I'm not going to be mad about it. I'm not going to let a football game ruin my day or the rest of my weekend. I'm confident there will be a zillion Iowa fans that have either lost faith in the team and / or fallen off the train that was steamrolling to a 12-0 record. The fact that the game was close - 16 - 13 - isn't much consolation and the fact that the last series of the game didn't provide a lot of hope. Iowa got the ball back with 27 seconds and no timeouts remaining. The first play was a MSU sack of quarterback C.J. Bertherd and the clock didn't stop. The second play was to spike the ball, and the third play, with :05 seconds remaining, was unsuccessful, which isn't surprising as plays that are designed to lateral the ball from one player to another with time expiring are rarely successful.
I just was looking ahead to the Iowa 2016 schedule, which I think is logical to do. How awesome does Lucas Oil Stadium look in this picture? Who wouldn't want the Iowa Hawkeyes to return there on 12/3/2016?

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