Tuesday, September 15, 2020

49 Days Until ... What? Peace and Civility in Race Relations?

Today, Erick Erickson's column knocks it out of the ballpark directly into the end zone where the NFL has become home to making political statements both on and off the field. I don't want to digress into that topic but I can't be silent. I don't agree that there is "systemic racism" in America. I believe that there are racists in America, and they suck. I'll be specific: the neo-Nazis, the KKK, the White Supremacists, and, I'll say it because I believe it: the Black Lives Matter organization. I am trying to be very specific here and say that I believe any person with dark pigmentation matters, but I do not think the group that calls themselves Black Lives Matter has pure intentions.

Erickson's column's title alone made me giggle a little: America's Systemic Racism Conspiracy. Once again, if you have noticed on this blog, I often sing the praises of Erick Erickson - he is one of my favorite modern political writers.

In Erickson's column, there is a reference to another column. I've included both links below but don't go look at them yet. I want to say something very carefully.

The 2020 election is 7 weeks from today. Yesterday, Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for president, condemned the unprovoked shooting of two police officers in CA. He condemned "all violence." I have pondered that. When Joe Biden entered the presidential campaign, he was very specific that the reason he was doing so was because President Trump stated that there were good people on "both sides" and upon hearing that, Biden felt like he needed to help America. Biden is not going to help America. His statement about the shooting in CA does not mention the organization Black Lives Matter. I think he should have said that, specifically, not because a member of that organization committed the shooting he was releasing a statement about, but because, as an organization, I believe the Black Lives Matter organization will not ever be satisfied. For example, a building that said "Black Owned Business" in Minneapolis, MN, was not spared. A former police officer, who was black, was killed in St. Louis when he went to check on a pawn shop. There are other cases I could cite but today, I'm citing those two specific cases.

All of that leads me to Erickson's column - I encourage you to read it, even if you disagree with every word he writes: America's Systemic Racism Conspiracy. Make sure to also read this column, which Erickson references in his column: Racism Is Real. But Is “Systemic Racism”? That Time I Was Published by Newsweek—For Two Hours - Public Discourse.

I'm just stating the obvious: I have a specific school of thought about politics and those thoughts have been shaped by reading both Liberal and Conservative writers. In 2016, I did not vote for HRC; I did not vote for Donald J. Trump. I voted for a third-party candidate whose platform and beliefs aligned with mine. Originally, this was my lead paragraph, but then I decided I should bury the lead today. <GRIN>

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