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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another Purge Part 2

So I sit in my cubicle by day and these e-mail messages come to me b/c I subscribe to various technical writer groups. I get e-mail messages about pencil shavings and I think, wow, I need to send that to my personal e-mail account so I can look it up at night. Then I get home at night and one thing leads to another and I don't look at the e-mail messages or I forgot why I thought it would be neat to look at a collection of aerial photography produced by Yann Arthus-Bertrand during the day so I don't immediately look at it. Sometimes, I get distracted by the promises I've made:

How's it going? I've been out of town the past few weeks. Are you still planning on reviewing my album?

and I think about needing to do so. My mind travels through a vast landscape and I often contemplate whether I will ever 'get done' all that needs to 'get done.' It's a common theme when I talk to some co-workers and even friends. There are people shuffling in the work force, moving from job to job, but not one seems to find my employer or my department. For example, we are one manager, 4 Team Leads, and 2 non-TLs. We were a department of 13. As people left, their responsibilities have been absorbed by those that remain. It becomes a nightmare of juggling number one priorities and just hoping that the priority that was ultimately assigned as "number one" is the right "number one" in the big picture, not in the little niche of the world I inhabit. There was a meeting today and if I were to have the time to do what I want to do, I would have enough work for at least a couple of months, doing only one specific part of my job that has fell to the backburner, not because it was deemed a lower priority but because other higher priorities pushed it back. In fact, there are over 500 things I need to do (predominantly the same task for 500 different things) and, unfortunately, it's not an overall task that can be done in a week. It's not like I can complete 100 a day and be done in 5 work days. It's more like 50 a day x 10 work days. But I don't have 10 work days to devote to it.

And if I worked non-stop at home, I'd miss out funny things like an escape key making a break for it and pleas from drummers on like this one, verbatim:

Im looking to join a band or start one with committed people only. Im tired of drama filled crap and people missing a thousand practices. I want people who want to play live and not just sit and jam and call yourself a band. Jaming is fun and everything but I want to play songs live.

+ Influences
I have way to many influences to list but Ill name my 10 biggest as far as playing drums is concerned.

Peter Criss KISS
Eric Carr KISS
Eric Singer KISS
Neil Peart Rush
Joey Kreamer Aerosmith
Tommy Lee Motley Crue
Rick Allen Def Leppard
Lars Ulrich Metallica
Keith Moon The Who
Nick Mason Pink Floyd

I could say almost the exact same thing, except I would list Alex Van Halen instead of Jerry Kramer, Liberty DeVito instead of Keith Moon, and (after seeing Fear Factory last month) Gene Hoglan instead of Nick Mason. Tommy Lee and Rick Allen would be borderline includees but I am being flexible.

Here's something I didn't know:
Dodge had an ad with a monkey. PeTA, of course, whined about it. SoDodge made the monkey disappear. It's kinda funny.

Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.

Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.

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