Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy Anniversary! and Death

Today is our 17th wedding anniversary. That means 17 years ago, we pledged our love to each other in front of our families and friends. The number 17 usually doesn't mean anything special as far as wedding anniversaries go. I am not planning any huge surprise party or anything like that. It's another day to tell my wife that I love her and that I will always be there for her. Pretty simple.

The other thing going on in life is I went to Susan's wake on Thursday and her funeral yesterday. It seems surreal that my co-worker of nearly 12 years, that I watched come in every day, that I saw every day, is not going to be here. It's obviously very fresh and very sad. I admit I didn't accomplish much yesterday. In fact, the main thought that got me through the day was looking at the clock and hoping that my neighbors would be outside when I got home, drinking. And they were. So I joined them. Went inside around 11:30 and went to bed @ midnight.

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