Wednesday, August 19, 2020

EE Part II

Lord, you are vast beyond what my brain can fathom. Your wisdom extends beyond the combined brains of all creatures on Earth.

I love you more than any other possession or any talent that you have gifted to me. Praise be to you forever. Allow me to make a humble request.

If you deem it, grant that the technical writing I write today matches or exceeds the talent you have bestowed upon Erick Erickson.

May your will be done forever, until the end of days.


Yep, I Did
Erick-Woods Erickson
I watched it. I want to talk about mail-in ballots vs. absentee ballots instead, but duty calls.
I sat in a bathtub, had a few beers, and watched that Zoom call. I figured doing it that way gave me the option to drown if the Zoom call became too painful. You know what? I actually liked the roll call of states, except Texas. I expected big hats and the Alamo and got El Paso protest mural activism. Texas ain’t going Joe Biden now.
I’m confused about how the Northern Marianas Islands cast a vote when the vote was scheduled for August 18th and they were already August 19th, but we’ll let that pass. It was well done.
But forgive me — you want me to vote for Biden and trot out all the Democrats and Republicans who have collectively screwed up American foreign policy for the last twenty years ignoring an emboldened communist Chinese regime and an aggressive Russian regime? You people screwed up our foreign policy, weakened us, apologized for our might, and want us to vote for Biden?
Clinton was Clinton and we disagree on a lot, but the man still has a level of political charisma. He knew he needed to make the job application case and I thought he did a good job, but wow has he aged and he is still younger than Biden!
The Carter bit was sad. You heard them but did not see them. You can tell they have hit the age of uncertainty beyond the day. It is sad.
The Jill Biden stuff was strategically brilliant. Donald and Melania Trump do not have that sort of relationship and, frankly, given the age disparity, it’d probably gross people out to see them behave like the Bidens. But that is for the Bidens to capitalize on. I think they’re going to try to make this the Joe and Jill Show with a side of Kamala and I suspect it is going to be effective for suburban women, i.e. the President’s “suburban housewives” who really aren’t fans of the idea of seeing husbands cavorting with their third wives.
The GOP needs to figure out a way to shine more — I suggest live audiences if they can. I still think the President from the South Lawn is a bad and unimaginative idea. The roll call of the states gives the GOP something to consider.
The President needs Bill Shine doing this.
One last note before getting to ballots.
I actually think the Bidens are nice people. Spare me your outrage about how their sins are worse than your own so they are terrible bad people or they have a political position or did something you hate so you hate them. You don’t know them. You are a sinner too. I speak at the civil, civic level where Americans of different politics should be able to be kind to one another. You’re a giant sinner too so spare me.
They are nice people. I know military families the Bidens have helped and they have implored these families to stay quiet lest their private help is seen as political. They were sincere in offering help and I find that deeply commendable. You won’t see these families on the campaign trail. None of them are Democrats. But I suspect they’ll all vote for the Bidens because they dearly love them for their help.
I am a sucker for the stories never told on both sides of the aisle and I like to know that people I may fiercely disagree with politically are still people who’d give someone the shirt off their back if it’d help.
Jill Biden will be an asset on the trail. AOC will not. She did her level best to sabotage the brand last night. It was kind of funny to see.
Now, having reviewed last night, let’s get to the real big issue.

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