Tuesday, July 28, 2009

WWE action... and CoW-orker Inaction

Live WWE is not in my future.


I told Megan I would take her to see the WWE live event in Cedar Rapids on Friday, August 14th, her 13th birthday. She said only if her friends can't spend the night that night. I think that'd be fun to take her and to initiate her into the world of WWE. She doesn't need to be a fanatic or goofy fan, but just someone that doesn't say "Oh that's stupid."

No concerts for the month of August that I know of. I'd like to see Inept on Saturday, 9/12/9, @ the Picador since they rocked 1st Ave Live opening for Trapt. Their CD is really good. I submitted a concert review to Dailyvault.com last week so I hope to see it later this week.

Work is chaos with our Client Conference around the corner. I have 5 - 40 hour projects I'm trying to work my way through and, once again, I'm juggling my priorities while my co-workers literally talk from 8:15 - 8:45. It doesn't make sense to me. I am dangerously close to having a bad attitude about it but I know getting upset about it or tattling to someone that could do something about it isn't in my best interest. I do sometimes want to just say, "Don't you have any work to do?!?"

Word on the street is that Alpine Valley charges $11 for a 24 oz beer and $6 for a hot dog. Yikes. Phil went to see Coldplay over the weekend and said it was a good show.

Gotta move.

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