Friday, June 28, 2013

Let's Rewrite this...

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth: If you combine the limitation on the number of facilities and then very purposefully constrain the number of doctors who would be capable of performing these services for women, you’ve created an environment in Texas where you’ve put women’s health at risk, and that’s the real issue here. Women’s health if this were to be put into law truly is put at risk and it’s a sad state of affairs that politicians like Governor Perry and Lt. Governor Dewhurst have decided that this intrusion on women’s personal individual decision making should be used as a political pawn for their own higher aspirations.

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth: If you combine the limitation on the number of facilities and then very purposefully constrain the number of doctors who would be capable of killing babies, you’ve created an environment in Texas where you’ve put the baby that is growing inside of the woman, and that’s the issue we'll cloud the argument with to make everyone forget that when a woman walks into a room where her doctor is awaiting her, there are at least three people in the room: doctor, patient, baby, and after the abortion, there's only two: doctor and patient. A baby's health if this were to be put into law truly is put at risk and it’s fantastic that politicians like Governor Perry and Lt. Governor Dewhurst have decided that this baby that is alive and growing inside of the womb should be used as a political pawn for their own higher aspirations.

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