Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How Did I Miss This

This BRAND NEW Bayside song was released a week ago and will be on their next album, called "Vacancy", which is being released on August 19, 2016. I plan to change the countdown timer on the main page of this blog after my "Days until 2000 Days" countdown ends. Thus far, there are no tour dates in Iowa (BOO!!) but hopefully there will be a second leg announced either later in 2016 or in early 2017.

What's been kind of interesting, as I await the results of whether or not files can be recovered from my 4 TB EHD, is I've been listening to "full albums" on as I work (through my cell phone). The band below, Brand New, came up as a suggested video and, after a couple of listens, I realize they are a jewel I never knew was present in the world of music. I am disappointed that the closest tour date they have is Saturday, July 2... in Chicago. That's the same day as Alex's "farewell" concert in Grinnell. Additionally, like Bayside's tour dates, I'm hoping that additional dates will be announced.

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