Friday, January 14, 2022

WWE Causes a Trip to be Taken

I don't think that pro wrestling - specifically, the WWE - do segments like this one from 2005 anymore. The title of the video is Kurt Angle, HBK, John Cena, Edge, Lita, & Big Show Carlito's Cabana Segment - RAW 10-10-2005 and it's a good segment. In modern times, it seems like the scope of "who" is going to contend for a championship is, in general, limited to one other person. In the segment embedded below, five WWE Superstars are in the ring, each claiming they deserve a championship match with John Cena. Cena doesn't make his appearance until towards the end of the segment, which is when his mic skills shine. He "criticizes" each of the 5 in the ring, including the ultimate scorching of Edge's girlfriend Lita with 4 words: Lita... you're a slut. When I was watching this segment in 2022, I burst out laughing at that line.Watch the video below.

So that segment is from October 2005. I can tell you that in October 2005, I lived in our current house and we were approaching our 1 year anniversary of doing so, which was going to be December 2005.

Want to know how my brain works when determining if I can write the following sentence: 

I can tell you that in October 2005, I lived in our current house and we were approaching our 1 year anniversary of doing so, which was going to be December 2005.  

It may be what other people do but I start with a major milestone in life and work my way forward. The milestone I use is 2004.

  • 2004 was the Memphis in May concert that I went to with Phil, Jamie, and Serbi, which was then followed with seeing Godsmack open for Metallica in August 2004 in Moline and the reason I know it was in Moline is because my godson's birthday party was that same day in Blue Grass, IA, and I had arranged to have Serbi and ... hmmm.... You know, I don't remember who else was in our group that day. 
    • I remember that I had arranged to meet my group at the Walcott Truck Stop so that I could ride with the group to the concert. Fast forward a bit, and I can say that I know that it was at this concert when Serbi told me that he and his wife were going to get a divorce. Their 11th wedding anniversary was going to be in 11 days, on 9-4-2004. In general, I would remember nothing about this concert if I had not purchased the live recording of it on,62/Metallica-mp3-flac-download-8-22-2004-Mark-of-the-Quad-Cities-Moline-IL.html
      • And the reason I know we moved into our current house in December 2004 is because when I went to Memphis in May 2004, Phil, Serbi, and Jamie picked me up at our old house.
  • 2005 was the year Karen, Megan, Alex, Lou, Jean, and I went to Disney. 
    • And the reason I know we had moved into our current house in December 2004 is because when we went to Disney, the 6 of us left our current house and drove to Dave's house in Blue Grass because he was taking us to the Quad Cities Airport for our flight. To continue along this path, I remember that we took a later flight that morning and because we had agreed to take a later flight, Allegiant Airlines gave us 6 flight vouchers, which is a key detail for how I remember the events of 2006. 

See how I did that? I used a major event in my life to work forward to where I wanted to end up. I can keep going:

  • 2006 was the year Karen, Lou, Jean, Dave, Chris, and I used the 6 flight vouchers from the Disney trip in 2005 to go to the Grand Bahamas.
  • 2007 was the Memphis in May concert that I went to with Phil, Kevin, and BSS. We took Phil's Honda Element, which was a very awesome orange car and the play was to be picked up at our current house. 
    • I remember more about when I was dropped off than when I was picked up because I had bought a t-shirt for Karen in Memphis and a birthday card for Karen's birthday at a Wal-Mart along the way home, which was unimpressive to the birthday girl. 
  • 2008 was the year that doesn't really jump out at me for having any huge milestones except that Karen planned a surprise party on my 39th birthday in December. That turned out to be a good thing because...
  • 2009 was the year I turned 40 and was actually in UIHC as a patient for pneumonia on my 40th birthday. It was also the year that Megan tipped over a golf cart in Elkader because, as I was in my hospital bed in December 2009, Karen and I were discussing a bill we had received from the Elkader Country Club to pay for damages to the golf cart.

So that is how my brain works.

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