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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Conclusion of FTWD

It was August 23, 2015, when Fear the Walking Dead, Season 1, Episode 1, captivated me. It started a series that told a different story than the main show, The Walking Dead, and I have watched every episode. There have been some really great moments and other moments where I just wasn't excited about the story being told. Of the show's initial 4 main characters - Travis, Madison, Nick, Alicia - only Madison is alive and present. Both Travis and Nick are deceased and Alicia? Well, some fans speculate that she is alive. I never saw her actually die in the show but it was suggested that she was going to die. I will watch the final 6 episodes and hope that the story concludes appropriately. Nz8iroTq1IY - Fear The Walking Dead Series Finale 'Alicia's Return & Last Episode Has A Conclusion' Breakdown

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