Thursday, May 26, 2011

And Justice for All

I remember looking at the guitar music for the Metallica release "And Justice for All" back in 1992. I was at band rehearsal and the guitarist in the band had it. I looked at the time signatures and thought, "This is a complicated release." I saw 7/8 time and 5/4 time and 4/4 followed by a measure of 2/4 then back to 4/4. Tonight, when waiting for Alex's drum lesson to be complete, I saw the book again, this time for sale. I thought about buying it, not because I have any desire to play guitar, but b/c I'd like to review the music being played and learn more. "Justice" is one of my top three Metallica releases (the other two being "Master of Puppets" and "Death Magnetic") so it would make sense to me to dive further into the release and really finally understand all the intricacies of the music I have listened to since the release of the album in 1989.

Life is good.

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