Thursday, December 10, 2020

Being Rich Would Be Awesome

I strongly believe that everyone in the world wants to be rich. I do. I want more money to do three things that I cannot do without a shitload more money. These are off-the-top-of-my-head and what I would call "selfish" things I want to do because I am purposely excluding Karen and the kids in my list because, well, I am being selfish for the purpose of this post. Here's what I would do with a shit-ton of money.

  1. Build an addition to our house in the backyard from the edge of our existing patio all the way down to the end of our house, including behind the garage where I would love to have a soundproof and climate controlled room for playing drums both by myself and with any musician friends that stop by. Having such a room would make loading equipment in and out of the house easier, eliminating the requirement to carry guitars and amps and microphones up and down our basement steps. Of course, if I'm adding on a room, I would need a brand-new set of drums to go in it. I have never purchased a complete set of drums for myself as the Yamaha electronic set belongs to Alex. The only drums I own are the Ludwig Vistalite set that my parents bought for me in 1984. Back to my drum room, there are some awesome advantages of building such a room, including I could easily get up at 5 AM and go play my "real" drums with no regards to it being 5 AM. I would free up space in the den, where the Yamaha electronic drums are located as well as underneath the steps, where my Ludwig Vistalite drums are stacked and covered with a blanket to avoid getting dusty. 
  2. Take a trip to England (after COVID-19 of course) and see the places I just want to see to say that I've seen them. I don't have any desire to do anything more than to see these places and then turn around and leave for home - I imagine I would be content to spend 15 minutes at each location before I would be able to say, "Okay, that's awesome, and we should go to the next place." I know for a fact that no one else in my family would be jumping up and down with excitement if I actually tried to follow-through on this thing. I want to see where Black Sabbath played their early gigs.  I want to see where The Beatles rehearsed when Pete West was in the band. I want to see where Led Zeppelin drank booze. I want to see Wembley Stadium.
  3. I want to go skydiving and I want to pay for my friends to go with me.
So those are the selfish things that I want to do. Here's a video about people who have as much money as Scrooge McDuck not making as much money as they did pre-COVID-19.

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