Monday, December 28, 2020

Sunset Nutrix

So, I wrote this comment in response to a video on Youtube and thought it was worth keeping.

@Sunset Nutrix  wow! Your SW fan irony section is one of the BEST things I've read in a comment section in a long time!

I'm 51. SW came out in 1st grade and it was what we played during every recess in 2nd grade.  I lived through the original DV reveal to Luke and the defeat of the Empire and redemption of DV.

My 2 kids were too young to go to a movie in the theater but there we were for E1. By the time E2 came out,  I was skipping the Grievous explosion in the battle against OWK when we would watch it on DVD. In E3, the Anakin burning and surgery to become DV was also just a bit too intense for their young eyes.

I saw VII & VIII with my daughter, who became my movie buddy.  And then,  for IX, I was there on the Thursday night show with both kids.

I will watch videos that point out discrepancies until they are all made, just because I love these videos that attempt to poke holes in the greatest franchise that is a thread between my youth through being a Daddy and into the future.  Some day,  many years from now,  I am already looking forward to watching SW with my grandkids... and making the eyes of my kids roll when I start spouting off about my knowledge of the SWU...

So I sincerely appreciate the ironies list - it's awesome!

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