Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Unicorn Project and Gene Kim

I have not read this book, but I really like the cover!

Why Leaders Are Crucial to the $uccess of a DevOps Transformation

Imagine a scenario where your IT organization is doing 46 times more frequent deployments, where your lead time from commit to deploy is 2,555 times faster, where the time to recover from incidents is 2,604 times faster, and your change failure rate is seven times lower.

Leaders must play a critical role in DevOps transformations in their organizations. Check out the key actions DevOps guru Gene Kim says leaders should take to enable successful DevOps.

Here's the article: Why Leaders Are Crucial to the $uccess of a DevOps Transformation. From the link above, I ended up on The Idealcast-Podcast. I don't know a lot about the concepts in the descriptions of the episodes, but I think it will be good to revisit.

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