Monday, September 9, 2024

35000 Days Alive

Here it is! This is the 13,000 post on this blog and I'm going to use it to complain. Big surprise!
  1. My laptop updated Firefox (my preferred choice for a web browser) and now when I attempt to upload an image to my blog, as I have done for the duration of using to create the 12,999 other posts on this blog.
  2. However, today, when I selected Upload from computer, I see the following:

The only way I could add graphics to this post was to take a screenshot in SnagIt, edit in SnagIt, and then copying the screenshot and then pasting the graphic in the Blogger editor. 

This is going to impact the way I approach writing my blog posts as I have stored JPG files since the beginning of this blog in a folder structure. I am unsure what I'll do if I no longer have the requirement to save the screenshot in order to be uploaded.

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