Thursday, June 3, 2021

An Updated Definition of an Ideal Band

I am at a low point, where I am almost ready to give up on the Ideal Band scenario.

I have zero prospects for joining a band. While RPM has fizzled, R and I did discuss recording some of his original tunes in a recording studio. It's one of the last items on my bucket list as a musician.

Here is what I've been thinking about when it comes to playing gigs.

While the list of gigs I've played is very short, as shown below:

  1. Lou's Classic Ride - 2
  2. Uncle Rico the Band - 1
  3. Koop and Company - 1

I also have to reconsider whether to include the times I've played at Mass. If I include the 50+ Masses I've played drums at, I can say with certainty that I have played a lot of gigs. At the same time, no, if I define a gig as being when I am paid for playing drums, then I have to go back to the above list of 4 and take away the two gigs with Lou's Classic Ride as neither gig resulted in cash in my pocket. In total, for the Uncle Rico the Band and Koop and Company gigs, I have been paid $120. Obviously, I don't play drums for the extra cash.

Which takes me back to potentially going into a recording studio with R and recording some of his original tunes. I hope that it actually happens and is not a grand plan that never comes to fruition. 

I have realized that my Ideal Band is not rehearsing with other musicians and then going out and playing a gig once a month. While I would not turn down such an opportunity, I don't have faith that such a situation will actually ever happen. 

As evidence, I posted to a Facebook group for musicians in Cedar Rapids and, basically, said that I was available. At this moment, as I write this post, I have seen that a handful of other musicians "Liked" my post, but none of them reached out to say, "I need a drummer" or "I know so-and-so who is putting together a band - I mentioned you to him so he's expecting to hear from you." Also, the Musicians page for Craigslist in both Iowa City and Cedar Rapids do not have any prospects for me. There's a 90s band based in Des Moines looking for a drummer but I am not going to respond to that ad. Perhaps my Ideal Band is in my future.

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