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Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Little Johnny Joke
Teacher: "Whoever answers the questions I ask, first and correctly can leave early today."
Little Johnny says to himself "Good, I want to get outta here. I'm smart and will answer the question."
Teacher: "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, "Abraham Lincoln."
Teacher: "That's right Susie, you can go home."
Johnny is mad that Susie answered the question first.
Teacher: "Who said 'I Have a Dream'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary says, "Martin Luther King."
Teacher: "That's right Mary, you can go."
Johnny is even madder than before.
Teacher: "Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for you'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy says, "John F. Kennedy."
Teacher: "That's right Nancy, you may also leave."
Johnny is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the questions.
When the teacher turns her back Johnny says, "I wish these bitches would keep their mouths shut!"
The teacher turns around: "NOW WHO SAID THAT?"
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Another Day
Tired & WW & SOS
Megan got a call to go to Fun City in Burlington with a friend of hers so she's already gone for the day.
Karen is singing and I am playing drums @ 5:15 Mass tonight.
I think Alex and I are going to the NL Rec Center later today. It really sucks that the NLRC doesn't have their pool table anymore. Apparently, there were too many discipline issues so they got rid of it.
My friend Matt sent me this:
Last night I was at a buddies and he was listening to a CD. I liked the band. It was a really different sound crossing multiple genres. The band was “Wicked Wisdom.” Have you ever heard of this band? If not, I recommend giving them a listen.
I had written back to Matt that I did not know this band. Just now, I checked my CD list. I have a self-titled CD by this band from 2006. Funny.
My brother in the Twin Cities went to see this band:
Editor's Note: It's unclear to me who "my friend Matt" refers to in the above text.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Master of Puppets.... Really?
Somehow, the case for Metallica's "Master of Puppets" ended up on the kids' PC's desk.
"Master of Puppets? Really?" she asks.
So I start singing (from memory)
End of passion play
Crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Pain monopoly
Brink of misery
Life is getting nearer
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you
Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master! Master!
Master of puppets
Pulling your strings
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
Blinded by me you can't see a thing
Just call my name because I'll hear you scream
Just call my name
Because I'll hear you scream
Needlework the way
Never you betray
life of death becoming clearer
pain monopoly ritual misery
chop your breakfast on a mirror
It was here that Megan said, "What?"
I had previously discussed cocaine with her and how dumb people snorted it up their nose to get high. Instead of rehashing that, I started singing "Creeping Death":
Heed to his every word, live in fear
Megan says, "New song?"
"Yep." Pretty soon after that, we had to go upstairs to do something.
TNA & WWE: Monday Night War Redux
Now, for at least tomorrow night, TNA is reigniting this war. Hulk Hogan is making his TNA debut and the best way to go against WWE is to try to snare a larger audience in the same time slot. WWE, for their part, are having their annual "Slammy" show where they self-promote the best wrestler of the year, best match of the year, etc., with a lot of highlights from PPVs and episodes of Monday Night Raw. They have drawn Dennis Miller to be the "guest host" with the idea that those who like Dennis Miller will tune in to watch him.
Me? I'm going to be at Alex's school concert. It was cancelled last week because they didn't have school. Alex normally has drum lessons on Monday nights so he has to bail out of that. I probably won't even see a minute of either the WWE show or TNA. I don't own a DVR (yet!) so that isn't an option.
Stupid People
Let's say you rent a car. You accidently scrape the driver's door against a concrete pillar. You check out the paint and there is no visible damage. When you return the car, you tell the clerk at the desk. You ask them to come and look at it. They do. They don't see any scrapage. You settle up your bill and move on.
Six months later, you get a registered letter that references a previous letter you never got. There's a $600 bill for the rental car. It seems they had to repaint the car and want you to pay for it.
When you ask the rental company if they put the car out of service after you reported the possible issue, they said no, we rented it to other people. But now, they say, there is a giant scratch on the passenger door and since you reported it, you must have done it.
First of all, the damage reported was for the driver's door so it has nothing to do with the issue.
Second, an employee of the rental company looked at it and said they didn't see any damage.
Third, the car was then rented to other drivers *after you*. There is no proof that someone after you did the damage. It's been six months since you drove the car.
So, you try to bargain with the company. They don't want to turn it into their insurance b/c there's a $250 deductible. Fine. You offer to pay that. Nope. Not good enough. You have an itemized bill so you pick and choose what could have possibly been caused from when you drove it. Nope. You need to pay the whole bill, including the two service charges because the repair place hasn't been paid while it waited for you.
When you ask why the car was not taken out of service, the answer is that they need the car in the fleet. That's not my problem. The car was put back in service, driven for 6 months and then you are expected to pay a bill? No way. So you turn it into your insurance company and pray that your insurance company is smart enough to laugh the car company all the way to the bank.
Here's the worst part. You know you will probably have to rent a car from that company again. That's what really sucks.
Getting Back to Normal .... slowly
I really enjoy playing drums at church. I don't play drums in any other capacity so it's fun for me. Keith usually is playing bass with me. Last night, he told me he likes playing with me and wants to bring his bass over sometime. That would be a lot of fun, especially if it worked out for my friend Brian Guitar that plays guitar to come over @ the same time.
Today, we are going to get our bedroom and bathroom ready to be painted on Wednesday.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Return to Forever
I just got a phone call from Karen that the Iowa City School District voted to not bus Regina kids anymore. This is terrible for me. I will now have to drive
from North Liberty to Regina (20 minutes when the traffic and weather are perfect),
back past North Liberty (20 minutes),
north on I-380 (20 minutes) to work.
My morning commute just tripled.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Still Not a Ball of Fun Around Here...
With my recent trip to the hospital, I'm supposed to "take it easy" and "rest" which would both be easier if there weren't a blizzard outside and snow to clear. On top of that, my workbench in the garage is a mess of empty pop cans, the furnace room needs a once-over to allow the water softener guy (Robert) access to the water softener tomorrow, there is something wrong with the van, there's the golf cart people in the North to deal with, and, on top of everything else, I have to fill out my insurance renewal forms for work. They are due today. I hate insurance forms. I want a check box that says, "I understand my premium is going up but I want *exactly* what I had last year. Hook me up."
Oh, and on top of all that, as if there weren't enough to add to my life, my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital.
That's all for now.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Well, that really sucked...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Influenza B
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Top 10 Jobs I'd like to Have
- Writing/editing the dialogue of rated R movies that are going to be shown on network TV. Who got to take the following clip and take out the f-bombs and create the replacement dialogue? Movies like "Die Hard" and "Lethal Weapon" come to mind. Good action flicks, but I wouldn't want to tackle crappy horror movies. Analyzing what is "acceptable" on network TV and what is not. "Monkey fighting" is an example in this clip:
- Writing/editing/designing the pages of musical instrument catalogs. Taking the pictures of the instruments, writing the brief descriptions of the features of a given instrument, and assembling the layout of the pages. I think that would be fun. This job would possibly not be a long-term career choice because I think, at some point in the next decade, I do not believe there will be hard-copy catalogs sent through the mail. I think every thing will go to online and that will be increasingly evident as the older generations pass and are replaced with technology people that make apps easier and simpler to use.
- Designing and creating movie trailers. It would involve the decisions that are made regarding what scenes to include as well as the entire marketing plan for a film. How to generate interest in a film months or even years in advance of it being released. The trailer for "Tron:Legacy" looks amazing. The trailer for "Surrogates" made it look like a tremendously awesome movie. The trailer for "Toy Story 3" captures the fun of the original 2, complete with the bantering between Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. Coming up with the ideas behind those 'first looks' at the movie and laying out when scenes and plot details will be linked to the Internet. Also, the trailer for TV shows like "24" and "Lost" and "Breaking Bad" are captivating so I wouldn't *have* to work in film. TV teasers would be good as well.
- Working at and being able to upload the MP3s, the interesting facts about how often specific songs are played, when the last time Metallica played in a specific city, and the other cool facts. You would have to listen to each MP3 before uploading, I think.
- Writing the end-user documentation for a product that scans the UPC code on a CD jewel case and pulls in all the information about it into a database. Of course, I would use my personal collection as the "test database" that would be sent out with the final product. Some of the features of this vaporware include:
- Ability to search for releases that include songs with the word "famous" in them
- Automatically link to a band's website
- Create a direct link between the database and the MP3s that are available on the band's Myspace page
- Assemble the manufacturer of the drums, cymbals, strings, guitars, basses, and keyboards played on the release
- Create a list of all your CDs that feature Paiste cymbals and cross-reference it with CDs that used Ludwig drums. Or Ibanez guitars and Marshall amps
- List the date period when the CD was recorded and what else was recorded at the same time.
- Who was sharing the studio at the same time. Side note: I heard on the radio that Ozzy Osbourne and Paul McCartney were sharing a studio and Ozzy asked McCartney to play bass on a track of his. McCartney declined. So this database would assemble all of this information and present it to you.
- Music publicist information writer. I have often thought that sending out CDs to reviewers is only 1/2 of the job. The other part of the job is to make sure the CDs that are sent out are reviewed in a timely fashion. That would mean following up with slackers who are only using CD reviewing as a means to bump up their CD collection. I would like the job of writing compelling copy in the marketing sheets that are sent out. Writing the press kit for bands that have achieved every thing imaginable.
- Music screener or music producer or studio engineer. This would delve into the creative process of writing songs and recording them. I would like to be someone that listens to rough demos of a band and makes suggestions to the band to make their music better. I would even like sitting through the recording process and helping bands achieve a better sound than what they started out with. Of course "better" is a highly subjective term. I think I would have done Theory of Tides some good. I would have told them to change up the background and to not sing phrases that go together 'untogether' and things like that. I have heard a lot of good and a lot of bad bands. I know what I like and I know what should be changed. I'd like the opportunity to do that prior to millions of people hearing the result. This could involve the actual recording process of making a CD.
- DVD authoring or testing of movies. Someone has to sit down and create the interactive menus for a movie's DVD release prior to it being sent to a manufacturer to reproduce the 'master' DVD. But even before it is sent to shipping, someone has to sit down at a computer and test the DVD and make sure that there is nothing the consumer will not like. I'd like that job.
- Tour manager and/or drum roadie for a drumming hero. The tour manager idea would be that you could go around the world and, every night, meet music critics and reviewers and assemble a large network of people. Your job would be to make people happy and do whatever it takes. I know both of these jobs would make me into a road warrior. I would constantly be in a new bed, eating new food, and be in a bus or on a plane. But think about this. There would be hours spent setting up drums for one of my drumming heros:
Neil Peart
Lars Ulrich
Alex Van Halen.
Physically setting up the drums, physically tuning them and, immediately prior to the show, doing the sound check and hitting each drum and cymbal to make sure the show is going to be awesome. For just for a few moments each night, I would be on stage in front of thousands of people. How freaking awesome would that be?!? I don't know if I could handle being on the road for multiple tours but for at least one, it would be an eye-opening experience. And then the night would come when one of them couldn't play and they asked me to step in. - Local delivery person - not pizza but maybe medical supplies - or laborer in a warehouse. These seem like strange ones that do not go together. However, the common link is that they are both "not sitting at a desk" which is what I do during the majority of my time at work. Sometimes, I'd like to be outside (delivery) or at least walking around (warehouse). I'd like the repetition of lifting non-light things and building up my biceps. To this day, I cannot do a pull-up. I don't have enough strength in my arms to do so. I often joke that if I was hanging over a cliff by one hand, I would instantly drop and perish. I don't have the strength.
- Honorable Mentionables include Playboy photographer, Iowa Hawkeye sports publicity, and webmaster.
Home & Looking Ahead a Bit
The drums are a new Yamaha electronic drum set and WOW! I could get used to playing them. The set list was mainly 3/4 time songs so not a whole lot of room to stretch out during the songs but enough to make me smile. Multiple people came up to me after Mass and said the drums sounded good. I really enjoy hearing that.
Next weekend, we are not playing b/c the Music Minister is gone. That's okay because my in-laws are all coming down to go out either Friday or Saturday to the Riverside Casino for my 40th birthday (12/4) and my brother-in-law's birthday (12/11). I get a free buffet and some spending cash.
The following weekend (12/12) is the Halestorm/Shinedown / Papa Roach concert in Cedar Rapids (free tickets!).
I think I will play the following weekend.
Backing up, this week is going to be busy:
Mon - Megan Religious Ed
Tue - Alex tutor until 4:15; basketball @ 8:30
Wed - Alex tutor from 6:30-7:30; Megan jazz band concert @ West. I am taking Alex; Karen is going to Megan's concert.
Thu - Alex concert @ school
Fri - My 40th birthday! Aforementioned in-laws arrive. We are either going to Riverside on Friday or Saturday.
So that's my week. It is going to be busy. I like that, though, as it keeps me out of trouble. Mostly. :>)
Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure
I saw a promo for season 8 of "24" on TV and WOW... I cannot wait! 1/17/10 is when the new season begins!
Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure
Even further in the future is the 3rd season of "Breaking Bad" that is begins in March 2010:
Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure
Finally, I cranked out 4 reviews in November, surpassing my previous best of 3 in 2/2009. I have many more releases to review, including the new Creed and new Alter Bridge DVDs.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Dryer & 7th Grade & BAD as in UGLY Hendrix...
Journey's Separate Ways always makes me think back to 7th grade. I might have mentioned this in some other rambling, but I really think 7th grade was a high point in my life, socially. It seems like when I list, in my head, the girlfriends I "had" or "considered" my girlfriend, the list is extensive. So I just have a really good feeling about 7th grade. Journey's "Separate Ways" was my favorite song. I made a mix tape for a girlfriend after we had broken up (still don't know why!?!?) and this was on the mix tape. I wish I had a) given her the mix tape and b) that I could find the mix tape so I could put *this* version on it....
Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.
Better stuff is this jam session, recorded after only 2 hours of playing together!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dryers Suck
Because Karen went to start up the dryer and it wouldn't start.
We had wet clothes in the washer and nowhere to put them.
I went out to the garage and found the wood drying rack we had used in the camper. Unfortunately, we get water by the service door in the back of the garage and guess what I had put there? Towels to soak up the water and the wood drying rack on top of the towels. Can't use the drying rack as there is mold on it.
That led me to behind my dresser where there has been a long skinny box for a couple of years that I have never put together because I had the wood one.
That led to the four of us working "together" on assembling the drying rack. Took about 1 hour. All families should do that.
Meanwhile, found this:
Kenmore-dryer-troubleshooting - The dryer will not operate
1. Check that the power is on to the machine. The power indicator light will if this is the case.
2. Check that the door is properly closed. When a door interlock switch is not activated properly the machine will not start. The best check is to open and close the door several times and sometimes the microswitch may be sticking and some do come loose due to vibration
3. The dryer start switch hasn’t been pressed or turned properly.
4. The dryer program hasn’t been selected
Not that I'm getting up and going to Dubuque BUT...
-------------------MORE DRYER STUFF!!!!!!-----------------
From here:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Feeling like a Vampire... and not b/c of NEW MOON
What the hell does this have to do with being like a vampire?
Well, the next AM, I am donating blood in Iowa City @ 7:30 and then rushing over to Coralville for a haircut. That would mean no beer and what the hell is the purpose of going to hear a band @ a bar if you're not going to make sure the beer is cold? I told Karen I'd volunteer to drive since I will be sober.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Last Night
This week is crazy busy.
Sun 11/15 - Alex basketball practice @ 2; Karen and I to CEW renewal @ 4 then board meeting afterwards
Mon 11/16 - Megan religious ed @ 6:30, Alex drum lessons @ 7
Tue 11/17 - Alex tutor until 4:15, Alex basketball game @ 5:30
Wed 11/18 - Alex tutor @ 6:30
Thu 11/19 - Alex basketball practice 6-7 @ the NL Rec Center
Fri 11/20 - NOTHING
Sat 11/21 - I'm donating blood @ 7:30 AM
Sun 11/22 - Alex basketball
In the meantime, at work, there is a huge hot project that is due to QA on 11/18 and has to be released on 11/20. That is not nearly enough time to design the Windows interface *and* to write the documentation to explain to the client how to use it. I don't know how it is going to be done. I have a feeling I will be working late on Wednesday & Thursday night. I need to find out exactly what the I have to have done by when. In the meantime, there is another cut coming up and there will be a lot of work for me to do for that, which is supposed to be ready for clients by 11/30. Should be interesting.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Avenue Q
Word Game
Awhile back, somebody on the main list pointed out that you could take away one letter at a time from the nine-letter word “startling,” and have the result be a word each time. I decided to use that idea for a column I write for an internal newsletter, and I asked for the longest word anyone could think of. It turns out there’s an eleven-letter word –
Friday, November 13, 2009
Goat Pictures
JW had a litany of complaints about the competence and work ethic of a nominal superior, ending with:
Yes, I've mentioned various things about him to higher-up management but they keep the blinders on and don't acknowledge my concerns. Isn't it easier to keep incompetent people around than it is to fire them?
It's obvious... the answer is goat pictures. This guy has pictures of senior people in compromising positions with a goat. That's why he has no fear, and why nobody will touch him.
Glad I could assist you in figuring that out.
Someday soon, slap a pleased expression on your face and start humming cheerily (something like "I'm In the Money") in the presence of one of these higher-ups. When you get the inevitable "What are you so happy about, today?" just smile and reply: "I've found where Joe keeps the goat pictures. "
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Health Care & an Editor's Revenge & Concert Confirmation!
- Health companies see relief in U.S. Senate bill - Health Care PASSES: The Scene In The House When It Happened
- CNN Artticle
- Here's a registered nurse's one-page explanation on Understanding HR3962: The Affordable Health Care for America Act
- A Toronto Star editor marks up the letter from the publisher announcing the outsourcing of editorial jobs:
- I wrote: Any chance of getting two passes - one for my friend?
Papa Roach's publicist wrote back "Yes, you’ll have a pair of review tix."
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Metallica Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Speeches
Why I Hate the Internet
Who the hell won PSU v. OSU?!?
That's all I want to know.
Instead, I keep getting this shit:

I don't have a virus and I sure as hell do not want to install an anti-spyware or anti-virus software from a company that does this shit.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Going Old School
The first OSM video for today is Pantera. Those that follow the genre know that Pantera is gone and will never record again.
The second OSM video for today is Slayer. Wow. They have a new CD out and, per the review of it on, they may actually have a radio single. Scary.
The third and final OSM video for today is Metallica. I wanted to find a video of my favorite song by them called "Frayed Ends of Sanity" but I found this instead.
Just for fun..
Friday, November 6, 2009
Just Me...
On the home front, we rented "GI Joe", "Mrs. Doubtfire", and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" to keep us busy. Alex and I watched Joe earlier this afternoon. Then I took Megan to the junior high dance, came home, then returned to her school to give her the $3 I had in my pocket that was to go to her hands when she got out of the truck.
Just checked the radio and Regina is playing Solon tonight in a state playoff game. The last time these two teams met, Solon pounced early and often and built up a huge lead. At the beginning of the 4th quarter, it was 42-7 in Solon's favor. I think a state championship in football is heading to Solon this month.
Tomorrow, the Hawkeyes put their undefeated season on the line against Northwestern. That game is @ 11 so I'm hoping to watch it. Nothing I can think of would stop me.
This dream job was passed along to me. I am not qualified but I sure would like to be:
Web Developer
Brave New Films is looking for a full-time Web Developer to guide and implement our online efforts. This is a very unique and exciting opportunity for the right person to use their tech talents to help build vital progressive infrastructure.Brave New Film's uses video and new media to create, amplify, and tell stories to inform people, change attitudes, and make change happen. We have over a million monthly uniques and over 45 million views on our viral videos.
Responsibilities include:
* Build HTML websites with light PHP code as well as more robustsite with programming languages
* Manage ecommerce and donation infrastructure including set updonation pages on our sites
* Address technical aspects of online distribution (upload videosto YouTube, post on reddit, write FBML for Facebook, etc.)
* Be on top of developments in social media, trends and technologies to guide and inform our distribution strategy
* Develop queries to pull segments of our emails list when needed
Skill set:
* Experience in Ruby on Rails, Django, PHPCake, or other programming language
* Excellent knowledge of MySQL
* Ability to quickly develop a web site that integrates with our email and donation tools
* Good attention to detail
* Enjoys fast-paced environment of politics
We use technologies and services like PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, Disqus, DemocracyInAction/Salsa, Ultracart, Google Analytics, and We care less about writing perfect code or complying with every standard, and more about birthing the clever idea that'll wreak havoc on the establishment. Politics moves fast. We have some pretty intense deadlines, so we'repragmatic and not afraid to get our hands dirty. Think startup meets non-profit political rabble rousers. We also get along well with people that have an excellent work ethic, juggle multiple tasks under tight deadlines, and realize this is not a 9-5 job.
Our offices are located in the shadow of Sony studios in Culver City, CA (LA) and we're open to the person working on-site or living elsewhere in the U.S. In your cover note, provide a list of sites you have developed. Please forward cover note and resume to Laura at ...
That sounds like a tremendous opportunity.
In other news, Alex's basketball team is 0-3. We lost on Tuesday night. Again. Losing sucks.
Joe Paterno did inspire me this week with this quote that was passed along:
"There are many people, particularly in sports, who think that success and excellence are the same thing and they are not the same thing. Excellence is something that is lasting and dependable and largely within a person's control. In contrast, success is perishable and is often outside our control... If you strive for excellence, you will probably be successful eventually... people who put excellence in first place have the patience to end up with success... An additional burden for the victim of the success mentality is that he/she is threatened by the success of others and resents real excellence. In contrast, the person fascinated by quality is excited when he/she sees it in others".
Joe Paterno
Head Football Coach
Penn State University
Moving on... the latest Revelation Theory (now known as Rev Theory) arrived in my mailbox this week. Also an Alter Bridge DVD and two CDs from artists I've never heard of until I opened the envelope. I have a lot of review writing to do and I hope to tackle some of them tomorrow AM!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Today, Megan is still not feeling well, but now Karen has something so she's staying home.
Alex has tutor until 4:15, then altar server training at the new St. Thomas More church @ 6:30, my Eucharistic Minister training is at 7:30 and then Alex has a game @ 8:30. Busy night!
I hope my girls feel better soon. I don't like seeing either of them hurting.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Losing Faith
Monday, October 26, 2009
Good Job...Seriously!
Anyways, not only do they have a killer concert page, they have a killer concert coming to the area on 12/4, which also happens to be my 40th birthday. The station is doing a promotion where you can get two tickets to Five Finger Death Punch for $25 until 10/31. After 10/31, the price is $25/ticket.
Peoria, IL, is the *closest* this band is getting to my area. It is only 2 hours 37 minutes / 160.61 miles away. Here's the map:

One final thought. I have the Scorpions' "Lovedrive" release. Rarely listen to it but I had "Coast to Coast" in my head.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"Wow! What a game. Iowa scored on fourth and goal as time expired as Ricky Stanzi hit Marvin McNutt for the go ahead touchdown and the Hawkeyes hang on to remain undefeated at 8 - 0 as they win 15 - 13. Iowa drove 70 yards in 1:37 to survive the scare as a loss would have been a huge hit to their BCS hopes. In a game that had minimal offense though 57 minutes there was 16 points scored and three lead changes in the final three minutes. Crazy! Should be interesting where Iowa stands when this weeks BCS standings come out."
The teams that are ahead of Iowa hadn't started to play this week, won, or were winning. I do not expect Iowa to move "up" in the polls.
In other news, Alex is #10 in this gallery...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What I Missed... and Idiots and Texas Hippies...Ship Rocked and other stuff...
10/13/09 Target Center, Minneapolis, MN
That Was Just Your Life
The End of the Line
Ride The Lightning
Holier Than Thou
Broken, Beat & Scarred
Sad But True
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
All Nightmare Long
Kirk Solo #1
The Day That Never Comes
Master Of Puppets
Fight Fire With Fire
Kirk Solo #2
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
Encore Jam
Die Die My Darling
Seek and Destroy
And in other news, I found this:

My friend Phil shared this video of the Texas Hippie Coalition on his Facebook page:
I LIKE that one and I like this one too!
FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (October 15, 2009) - Been thinking about a vacation? Love rock n' roll? Want to try a cruise? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then ShipRocked is for you - but act fast because cabins are nearly sold out! ShipRocked is the hardest rocking floating festival of 2009 featuring Queensryche, Tesla, RATT, Skid Row, Lynam, Endeverafter, Broken Teeth, Stereoside, Stonerider and the Niki Barr Band. The cruise sets sail from Ft. Lauderdale on November 15 and returns you to reality five days later. Along the way, ShipRocked ports in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and Georgetown, Grand Cayman. For more information, visit
Worried about the economy? Who isn't?! If you book now, you'll get in on special pricing for the last few remaining cabins. From now until they are gone, cabins will be sold on a "guarantee basis" which means you are guaranteed an interior, ocean view or balcony stateroom with a chance of an upgrade - without the extra cost! All cabins are subject to availability, and start at only $749 (per person, double occupancy). The prices include your cruise (room and board), all the concerts, meet and greets and other exclusive events during the trip. For booking and more information, please visit, or call 877-855-5502. Remember - once all cabins are booked no more can be added, so don't delay. You don't want to miss the boat on the year's biggest music event.
During ShipRocked, you'll be entertained by Queensryche, Tesla, RATT, Skid Row, Lynam, Endeverafter, Broken Teeth, Stereoside, Stonerider and the Niki Barr Band. You'll also have time to relax on the beach while in port, rock out in clubs around the ship, express yourself during heavy metal karaoke and dress up like it's 1989 during the 80s Prom Night!
ShipRocked sails November 15 -20, 2009 on the beautiful MSC Poesia. The Poesia is the third vessel in the MSC Cruise Line's "Musica" family of ships. This ship features MSC Cruise Line's signature Italian inspired decor, impeccable service, sumptuous cuisine in multiple restaurants, beautiful swimming pools, hot tubs plus a full-service spa and fitness center.
ShipRocked will truly be the ultimate rock and roll vacation and backstage pass!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sat Fun Pic
Which way is the bus below traveling? To the left or to the right?

Can't make up your mind? Look carefully at the picture again.
Still don't know?
Pre-schoolers all over the United States were shown this picture asked the same question. 90% of the pre-schooler's gave this answer 'The bus is traveling to the left.'
When asked, 'Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?'
They answered: 'Because you can't see the door to get on the bus.'
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
450 and Going Strong
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Along Came a Spider and said, "Hey, What's in the Bowl..."
Dumb Enough to Think
Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white U.S. government official, 'You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done.'
The Chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued, 'Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?'
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied,'When white man find this land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.'
Then the chief leaned back and smiled, 'Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.'
Monday, October 12, 2009
More Health Care Stuff
I saw this article and couldn't help myself. My apologies.
A two month old baby couldn't get covered because he's too fat. Now, after the bad publicity, they'll be covering him.
And, given today's report by the health insurance industry, essentially saying, "If you pass the Baucus (e.g. -- weak) health insurance reform plan, we'll raise everyone's premiums by up to $1700 annually for a family, and $600 individually, going up to an additional $4,000 for a family and $1500 for an individual in 5 years," it may well be time to tell the for profit insurance industry to deal with government competition. I mean, doesn't this sound like an industry that knows it won't have to respond to any downward price pressure? Doesn't it feel like they know no insurance company is going to undercut their pricing?
Two Jams on the Radio
Then, on the way home, The Fox 100.7 played this song:
But it actually sounded more like this. I have always remembered that I auditioned for a band (on drums) in Urbana. This is one of the songs we played and I hadn't heard the song before. I remember the singer and guitarist trying to teach where the snare hits were. I know I totally flubbed up the audition on this song.... I think they had a tape of it and had me listen to it, then we tried it again. Never played with them beyond that...
Dad, Michael Jackson sings "We are the World!"
"But Dad, I saw it on youtube," he defended himself.
"You were on youtube, when I wasn't home?" I arched my eyebrows in disapproval.
"Dad, I looked for 'we are the world' and found Michael Jackson. Then I clicked 'Delete Browser History.'" he told me.
So wrong that an 11 year-old thinks to cover his Internet tracks with deleting his browsing history.
BUT.... before I get on to the video he saw, this is the video *I* saw tonight! NEW 1997!!!
Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.
Michael Jackson's demo of "We are the World"
Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What a week...
Last night was the Lamb of God / GWAR / Job for a Cowboy show in Des Moines. I didn't go.
Then I watched "Seven Pounds" with Will Smith. Uh, I didn't really like it. I know it's one of those 'unfolding' type movies where the details and motivation behind the character is presented slowly, but it just didn't keep my interest. If you haven't seen it, be prepared for a slow moving movie.
Today is Iowa v. Michigan @ 7 PM. Lots of drunk Iowa Citians already at 9 AM, I'm guessing. I'll watch it on TV.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Quotes, Styles, Health Care, and My Top 25
- There are 2 theories on arguing with women. Neither works.
- Life is too short for drama & petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, Love truly and forgive quickly
- Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.
Next, Word 2007 uses styles to control formatting. A lot of writers don't give a damn about styles. Case in point, there should only be 9 Heading styles:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Heading 7
Heading 8
Heading 9
Next, health care... Everyone knows something about this issue. Here's an article about why Congress has awesome health care: Health Care for the US Congress
Next, if I had to pick 25 CDs to take with me on a tropical get-away, given that there is already a stereo there, I'd pick these 25:
- AC/DC - Back in Black
- Anthrax - Among the Living
- Fear Factory - Archetype
- Black Sabbath - Paranoid
- Dangerous Toys (self-titled debut)
- Destroyer - KISS
- Disarray - In the Face of the Enemy
- Dokken - Under Lock and Key
- Guns-in-Roses - Appetite for Destruction
- Judas Priest - Painkiller
- Scorpions - Love at First Sting
- Megadeth - Rust in Peace
- Metallica - And Justice for All
- Metallica - Master of Puppets
- Motley Crue = Shout at the Devil
- Ozzy Osbourne - The Ultimate Sin
- Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
- Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
- Ratt - Out of the Cellar
- Riot - The Privilege of Power
- Rush - Moving Pictures
- Sacrament - Lamb of God
- Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
- Slayer - South of Heaven
- White Lion - Mane Attraction
Next, I was genuinely interested in the following snip that was passed along on an email list. I asked that the URL with this info be shared. First, the snip that got my attention:
Here's an example:Here's the original story:
"January 12, 2007 - The U.S. House passed a bill that says the minimum wage in this country will rise over time from $5.15 an hour to $7.25. Included in the small print is the fact that the minimum wage will now include the islands of the northern marinas but it exempts American Samoa which is the only U.S. Territory not subject to minimum wage laws.
Why? Star-Kist Tuna is a major employer there, with its headquarters in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district."
Next, here's a piece that I have a hard time agreeing with:
I think it's stupid to not want our president to be successful. I think it's terrible to be happy Chicago didn't get the Olympics is anything but terrible. Shame on those that think Obama is not their president.
On on we go...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Somehow Hollow and Others
36 Crazy Fist is coming out with a new DVD. Here's the lead-off track on their CD:
I went in search of a Megadeth video and found a drummer playing along to "Symphony of Destruction." Turns out he's in a band called "Black Metal Box." Kick BUTT!!
This is the first time I saw the drummer.
Here's some Dead Horse Trauma!!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bring Up the Past

I saw the above poster and thought, you know what? That poster has it right. If Flair's body authentically cannot handle the wear and tear anymore, then he should retire and be done. Seriously. What the hell?
Wrong & Right
This is a drummer that is really right.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Bittersweet Anniversary
Exactly 11 years ago yesterday was my last day at my previous employer. I had been writing documentation for their software. I had an office, with a door, and the fastest PC in the company. I had a CD burner. I had total control over what the doc looked like. I had a window.
I had an office with a door.
Sometime in July 1998, the company understood they were having financial issues. My co-workers and I would sit at the lunch table and hope the mailman would bring a check from a client solely so that payroll could be met. I know for a fact that the owner of the company took money from his personal funds in order to keep the company afloat during those times. I was asked to stop writing documentation – which was non-billable work – and to start data entry of client data – which was billable work.
I tell that story only because the subject of “I should get a raise” reared its ugly head on HATT. Catherine said she wanted a raise because:
First, because I want to be paid the same sort of rate as the rest of the team, as I am making at least as equal a contribution as the least productive member.
Second, I have sole responsibility for the docs for this team, with no help and no guidance.
Third, I have introduced localisation methods to my employer that weren't used before.
Good luck to all those seeking raises!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Made My Day...
From: Kris
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:45 AM
To: Me
Subject: RE: [HATT] How to update WebHelp embedded in .NET application?
Your response is spot on. We’re speaking exactly the same language. I’m going to follow up with the developer.
From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [HATT] How to update WebHelp embedded in .NET application?
While I use RoboHelp to generate WebHelp, I have had to deal with the same issue since I converted from WinHelp to HTML (WebHelp) that is installed on the user's C:\ drive. I'm not speaking specifically about .NET or Windows Installer - this is my experience with WebHelp and dealing with updated files.
We just cut the 10th release that has WebHelp for online Help.
At the beginning, the developer wanted a list of the files that had changed since the last update. So I started with your initial request below. In order to do this, I talked to our resident guru. He gave me an app called "Comparefolders.exe" that I use to compare the contents of folders. This app rocks. I'll check with my co-worker if he wrote the compare folders .exe file I use and if he did, whether I can share it, if you're interested. My process was to compare the output from the last update to the output for the to be released update. I would then send a list of the files that I had added or removed. This included .htm files as well as PDF files as well as .jpg or other graphic files.
My understanding is that he manually went in and made these changes. Again, I'm not specifically talking about .NET or the Windows Installer. However, my guess is that it's going to be the same type of thing - manually picking what files to add or remove. The list I gave him included the specific sub-directory as well so he would have to drill down and find them. My understanding is also that if you are looking at a directory with 100s of files, finding the 2 or 3 that changed among a list of similarly named files, is not very much fun.
However, we continued this trend until we were preparing a release that was very doc intensive. Lots of files were deleted or added. From that release to now, *my understanding* is that my co-worker thinks it is easier to simply replace the entire set of files than to pick and choose which specific files were updated. It still remains a labor intensive task, I think, because I hear grumbles occasionally about why we don't put our help on the website "like Microsoft does."
After the AM I've had, I refuse to go into that discussion today.
To bring it back to your concern about your users installing 115 MB each time, I used to think it would be a big time requirement and that only replacing specific files would reduce the amount of time to install our product. However, I don't have that opinion today. Help is always installed when our product is installed. My current Help directory is 111 MB (116,559,872 bytes) so it's slightly lower than your 115. I have 3,475 files in 6 folders.
My interpretation of your comment about not wanting to install 115 MB is that you think it will take a long time to install it. My hypothesis is that unless you have a significant amount of files that didn't change - say only 10 MB changed out of the 115 MB you quoted - you're not going to speed up your installation time by more than a few seconds. You will need to try this out, but perhaps you can get your developer to create a 'dummy' install for you that has all 115 MB as well as an install that has, say, 25 MB of Help. You should run time trials on PCs that your users likely have to see if the difference between the amount of files really makes a difference. Again, my hypothesis is that you will probably not see a big time dip. But these are your users, not mine, so you need to make sure this will work for you.
Like I said, I can check with my co-worker re: the comparefolders.exe file if it is something you think you need. I don't use it anymore because all my help files are replaced with each release.
From: Kris
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:25 AM
Subject: [HATT] How to update WebHelp embedded in .NET application?
Dear HATTers,
I've developed WebHelp using MadCap Flare for a .NET application developed
in VisualStudio. Please note that the WebHelp is embedded in the
application itself. This means that the Developer, who is using Windows
Installer, needs to add each of the 1500 files comprising the compiled help
into the install. This works like a charm (though it's a little labor
intensive for the developer).
The problem is that we want to update the WebHelp for a revision. This
gives us two choices:
- Manually replace 1500 files from the existing install to the revision
install and ask our customers to install 115 MB each time (ouch!)
- Identify the changed files and replace only those files in the install.
This is, of course, what we would like to do!
Unfortunately, when Flare compiles the WebHelp, it replaces ALL the files
and applies new time stamps to them (whether they've changed or not). So
while we can identify the updated topic files by looking at the Date
Modified value in Windows Explorer, there is no way to identify all the
other files, including "index chunk" files (the number of which changes when
you add new index entries) and others, that have been updated as the result
of the new compile.
Does anyone have a fix for this? Do any of you update WebHelp with Windows
Installer? If so, how do you handle revisions? (Any other suggestions?)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
LOG Not Happening... and new 1997!
From: rikkiz
To: prhmusic
Subject: RE: concerts in IOWA
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:11:40 -0400
Sorry Paul I have just heard back from management and they are passing on your request I apologize and hope we can work together on our other bands coming to the area?
On 9/28/09 1:50 PM, "Rikki " wrote:
I didn’t hear back from you about this I attached the article written its Iowa how packed is the list?
From: prhmusic
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 1:36 PM
To: Rickki Z
Subject: RE: concerts in IOWA
From: rikkiz
To: prhmusic
Subject: RE: concerts in IOWA
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:43:05 -0400
I am sorry
I do not recall approving this request and I know management is very strict about approvals what outlet are you covering for so I can ask them again
From: prhmusic
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:56 AM
To: Rickki Z
Subject: RE: concerts in IOWA
You have me for 2 passes for the LOG show, right?
Subject: concerts in IOWA
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:31:52 -0400
7:00 DOS/8:00 SHO -$30 ADV/$35 SHO
One of my favorite bands, 1997, has a new CD coming out 10/15, called "Notes from Underground."
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Pseudo Teacher
1. A ball crashed through the window. ________________________
2. All of them. ___________________________________
3. Running through. ___________________________________
4. The street was full of kids. _______________________________
5. The car stopped. ___________________________________
6. The baby. ___________________________________
7. The stroller raced into the street. __________________________
8. Jenny chased Jaryn. ___________________________________
9. How good! ___________________________________
10. Time for homework. ___________________________________ 11. The street became quiet. ________________________________
Kinds of Sentences - Declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory
1. What an exciting game we saw ____________________________
2. The teams were playing hard. _____________________________
3. What do you think will happen next week ____________________
4. You watch and learn each week. __________________________
5. He walked to the door. ________________________________
6. The dragon was killed. _________________________________
7. John Rambo was a good man. ____________________________
8. He was in the wilderness and was bleeding. ___________________
9. The sheriff was wrong. _________________________________
10. The night air was very cold. _____________________________
11. Pizza would be good for supper. __________________________
12. Do you like sharing pizza with your family? __________________
13. Run a wall at basketball practice. _________________________
14. It is time to go to Mass. ________________________________
15. Did you brush your teeth _______________________________
16. The sermon is interesting to my ears. _______________________
17. Get your homework done now. ___________________________
18. You need to walk out the door now. _________________________ 19. Bring a basketball to practice. ____________________________
20. Happy birthday to you ____________________________
Underline the simple subject once / underline the simple predicate twice
1. The practice has started late.
2. Our school play is tonight.
3. The football players ran the play effectively.
4. Their uniforms are really dirty.
5. Martin James is smiling at you.
6. You should bring home a snack for me.
7. The fans are smiling because they are winning.
8. A huge crowd will appear on the field.
9. Our football team won the game.
10. The PC crashed.
11. We lost our photos.
12. Dad lost his mind.
13. Mom lost her marbles.
14. Alex likes marbles.
15. Megan wants marbles too.
16. The marbles tripped Dad.
17. The pizza spilled on the carpet.
18. Mom smiled.
19. The newspaper arrived in the morning.
20. In the morning, the newspaper arrived.
Write declarative or imperative. Underline the simple subject
1. Martin James is smiling at you.
2. Our football team won the game.
3. Our school play is tonight.
4. She walked to the field.
5. The fans are smiling because they are winning.
6. The football players ran the play effectively.
7. She crashed the car.
8. The practice has started late.
9. Their uniforms are really dirty.
10. You should bring home a snack for me.
One Day
In other news, this is going to be a busy week.
Monday - Megan has a volleyball game and also starts religious ed class since she is not going to Regina anymore.
Tuesday - Alex has tutor until 4:30, Megan has volleyball practice until 6:05 and then Karen, and Megan have haircuts @ 6:30.
Wednesday - Megan has volleyball practice until 6:05, Alex has basketball practice from 6-6:25 and tutor from 6:30-7:30
Thursday - Megan has a volleyball game, there's an ortho (orthodontist?) appt @ 8:00 and it's my 11 year anniversary at my employer. Also, new Survivor and Grey's Anatomy.
Friday - Megan has volleyball practice until 6:05, then we are racing up to Cedar Falls to see my brother-in-law's band the Hoodads play @ the Hub. We're spending the night.
Saturday - I have a CEW meeting from 9-12. Then we'll come home. Iowa plays @ 11. We'll probably go to 5:15 church or possibly stop in Cedar Rapids on the way home.
Sunday - Alex has basketball practice from 6-7.
The week of 10/5 - 10/9 is chaos.
Monday - Megan has a volleyball game and also has religious ed class.
Tuesday - Alex has tutor until 4:30, Megan has volleyball practice until 5:05.
Wednesday - Megan has volleyball practice until 5:05, Alex has basketball practice from 6-6:25 and tutor from 6:30-7:30
Thursday - Megan has her final volleyball game. Also, new Survivor and Grey's Anatomy.
Friday - going to the Lamb of God / GWAR / Job for a Cowboy concert in Des Moines with Phil. Have to decide if I'm going to drink beer because there is a blood drive that day as well and I don't want to donate and drink beer the same night.
Saturday - Iowa plays football, I think. We'll probably go to 5:15 church.
Sunday - Alex has basketball practice from 6-7.
I understand that one day, this will all be over. The kids will either drive themselves to where they need to go or they will be out of the house. It's a crazy time now.
The other big thing is that we sold our camper yesterday... and promptly went to Ketelsen's RV to look at ones they have on their lot. Not sure where that is going to go.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Point is... I can't change a lighbulb...
This came to the forefront of my mind when Julia, a member of a HTML list I’m on, posted the following. I’ve snipped stuff to get to the meat of what I wanted to write about:
Julia wrote,
“Last week I re-signed for another twelve months with my current web host. I've been with them for 3 years and never had any major problems. Two days ago I couldn't get to my site. I can't login to my c/panel, can't login via ftp. I have had to contact the host through the forum because I can't login to open a ticket for support. They asked me to send a trace route which I didn't know how to do. After surfing I found out how to do that and I sent it to the forum over 15 hours ago and nobody from their support team has acknowledged my trace route.
I think Julia needs to get a phone number of the host and use the phrase, “Can I speak to your boss?” if the first person doesn’t have the ability to solve the issue. Personally, I would probably give them the benefit of the doubt, but I typically root for the underdog. Julia has been with them 3 years and had no issues. That’s pretty good. Simply put, if her phone call to them does not resolve this issue, then yes, I think Julia should move on. The fact that Julia was told to send a trace route but wasn’t told how to do so is strike 1 in my book. Did Julia tell them she didn’t know how to do it? I don’t know. Still, the host should have not left her to figure it out on her own what she was expected to send them.
It’s kind of like the local
“How do I know what to do next?” I asked.
“You have a 2005 model, that’s too new for me.” He didn’t offer to help me try to figure it out, didn’t offer me any tools to help me do what I needed to do. Nothing.
He lost me as a repeat customer. I had been there with my other car when I needed to get my license plate fastener fixed and to replace a headlight. Those times, I received help. I expected help. This guy, though, was different and unfortunately for his business, I decided right then that I will not return there.
Why not? Frankly, there is another auto supply place about a mile away. I am now willing to drive further, which is less convenient for me, because I know I’ve had good customer service with the other place. The only time I’ve been to this second auto supply store was in an emergency. My wife and I came out of a movie – I’m embarrassed to say the name of it because I don’t think I’d live it down - and when I started the van, a headlight was out. We drove to this second store, arriving close to the store’s closing time. A guy changed it. We were then set to drive home in safety. I will reward good customer service. I gave him $5 for helping us. I even went into the store and talked to his manager and said, “He helped us out and did a very good job. He deserves a raise.”
However, back to a couple of days ago, I was on my lunch hour so I had gone to the
I ended up going back to work, still with the brake light out. I borrowed a screwdriver from the maintenance guy and tried to figure out what to do. I got a couple of screws off but then I didn’t know what to do. I gave up. I drove to the place that does my oil changes.
I told him I felt stupid for not knowing how to change a light bulb. He didn’t make any degrading comments. He said, “Let’s see what you got.” I showed him how far I had gotten and then he said, “Oh. Here, you just need to pull this that way and it’ll come right out.” I wouldn’t have figured it out on my own. He replaced the bulb I needed and didn’t charge me. I said thank you and he said, “Anytime.” I will return to him for my vehicle service again. He retained me as a customer. He helped me out.
Back to Julia, there’s two sides to every chance for customer service. Julia needs to decide if her host is going to continue to give terrible customer service or if it was a fluke that they expected her to figure out how to find a trace route. I have no idea what a trace route is and would be lost if someone told me to get them one. If I hear back from Julia regarding what she ended up doing, I’ll post it here as well.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hodge Podge
- The sad fact is that I'm turning 40 on 12/4/69. No tears, please. Karen threw me a great party last year and totally surprised me.
However, if you *still* want to buy me a present, pick up this for me.
I just wanted to have a clever (?) way of introducing the hodge podge of ideas that are going to be in this post. Rather than have a series of small insignificant posts, I'm going for one longer insignificant post. - I can't say enough about this blog post as something parents should really read.
- I listened to Machines of Grace a lot today. I tried to find a youtube video but couldn't. I like their groove.
- This is not exactly what we are going to be looking at in the near future, but I think it's pretty close. The pictures are of a camper that we like, sight unseen. We are trying to figure out a time to make it up to Ketelsen's RV to look at it. I'm not committing to its purchase, but by the pictures, I admit I like what I see. It's not parked next to my house yet. Don't hold your breath.
- I subscribe to Jared Spool's UIEtips newsletter. In the issue that arrived in my Inbox today, there is a very relevant to online Help article about breaking up large documents for the web. In the article, it talks about thinking about the content as "topics" not books. You can read this article on this web site.
- Vincent Latella, a frequent Techwr-L poster, sent this to the list today: "I know that we've been through the whole "do you really need a printed manual" thing before on TECHWR-L, but at this very moment, presumably non-writer types are hashing out that very topic as it pertains to automobiles on The Truth About Cars.
Reading comments on the topic from random individuals (instead of technical writers) is interesting, I think, so I thought I'd share. ...
The basic gist of it is this: Chrysler is apparently replacing its owners' manuals with DVDs and abridged printed guides, and there's a blog post about it. The poster indicates that he wants one "in the glovebox, in paper form, ready to go." The people posting comments seem divided. Click here to read the comments. - Shadows Fall play two nights in Maplewood, MN, on their current tour and skip Iowa altogether?
9/28 Colorado Springs, CO @ The Black Sheep
9/30 Omaha, NE @ Sokol Auditorium
10/1 Maplewood, MN @ The Rock
10/2 Maplewood, MN @ The Rock
10/3 Chicago, IL @ V Live
It doesn't really matter as if they played in Iowa on 10/1, that may be the only night we have free to look @ the camper in #6. 10/2 is my brother-in-law's band in Cedar Falls. The next morning, I have a CEW meeting in Waterloo so it really doesn't fit into the schedule. - Don't really know much about this site but it looks interesting:
- Five Finger Death Punch have a new CD and I like it a lot. This is the current single.
- Kind of related, Five Finger Death Punch has OTEP opening for them on these dates. There had better be a second leg of this tour that includes Iowa...
Sep 22, 2009 San Francisco, CA, US @ the Regency Center
Sep 23, 2009 Fresno, CA, US @ Crest Theater
Sep 24, 2009 Pomona, CA, US @ The Glass House
Sep 26, 2009 Phoenix, AZ, US @ KUPD's End of Summer Scorcher
Sep 27, 2009 Albuquerque, NM, US @ Sunshine Theater
Sep 28, 2009 Colorado Springs, CO, US @ Black Sheep
Sep 30, 2009 Omaha, NE, US @ Sokol Auditorium
Oct 1, 2009 Minneapolis, MN, US @ The Rock
Oct 3, 2009 Chicago, IL, US @ Club V
Oct 5, 2009 Toronto, ON, ON, CA @ Opera House
Oct 6, 2009 Clifton Park, NY, US @ Northern Lights
Oct 10, 2009 Hartford, CT, US @ Webster Theater
Oct 11, 2009 Sayreville, NJ, US @ Starland Ballroom
Oct 13, 2009 Philadelphia, PA, US @ TLA
Oct 15, 2009 Pontiac, MI, US @ Crofoot Ballroom
Oct 16, 2009 Madison, WI, US @ Orpheum Theater
Oct 17, 2009 Grand Rapids, MI, US @ Orbit Room
Oct 18, 2009 Louisville, KY, US @ Expo Five
Oct 20, 2009 San Antonio, TX, US @ Sunset Station
Oct 21, 2009 Lubbock, TX, US @ The Pavilion
Oct 23, 2009 Little Rock, AR, US @ The Village
Oct 25, 2009 Sauget, IL, US @ Pop's
Oct 26, 2009 Oklahoma City, OK, US @ Diamond Ballroom
Oct 28, 2009 Denver, CO @ Fillmore Auditorium
Oct 30, 2009 Magna, UT @ The Great Salt Air
Oct 31, 2009 Boise, ID, US @ Knitting Factory
Nov 1, 2009 Spokane, WA, US @ Knitting Factory - Back to work-related stuff:
- I don't do anything with SEO - maybe I should? - but it seems like an interesting topic. Google does not read keyword metatags:
- Time Magazine now confirms: "Under the Baucus plan, like the House plan, certain individuals would get government subsidies to help buy private insurance in a publicly-established exchanges. There would be a guaranteed choice in each health insurance exchange between at least one plan that does not offer abortion services beyond rape, incest and the life of the mother, and at least one plan that does, allowing consumers to choose their preference."
Great. - Can't let this post end with the negativity of federally-funded abortions. Beware the colorful language in this song...