Friday, August 30, 2019

Wishlist for Linking to Word Documents in RH 2019

Now that I'm logged into the website I mentioned in my previous post, I came upon a post I wrote in July 2018 within the discussion forums:

Wishlist for Linking to Word Documents in RH 2019

Here's some ideas that would make the RH 2019 link to Word functionality exceptionally awesome!
  1. Add the ability to add Word files in multiple directories at the same time. To link to these 3 files requires doing the linking process 3 times – takes a lot of time.
    It would be great to select a root folder and be able to select "Include Subfolders" check box and then pop up a window to let me choose a root folder. I know that kind of thing can be done as I have a macro that allows me to select a root directory and run a process to update all the fields in all the Word documents in the sub-folders under that folder. In the example above, I would select "Dir1" and then have the dir2\2file.docx, the dir3\3file.docx, and the dir4\4file.docx folders all be linked to my RoboHelp project.
  2. When you're mapping styles to CSS, I have a huge list of styles. What I don't have is a way to identify the Word document that had a style that made it be added to the list.
  3. Add the ability to select a folder in the Project Manager and update the Word documents in that folder "only" - I have 1400ish Word files and usually have less than 20 to update. Doing each one at a time takes too long and doing an "update all" too long as well. I group the linked Word files in folders so being able to select just that folder would be awesome!

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