Friday, September 20, 2019

Rush Drops Bombshell 2020 Announcement

Intentionally, you have to scroll to read this post. Here's why. The title of this post is taken from the subject of an email I received at 10:21 AM and, when I read it, I was excited.
Sincerely, my first thought was, "That is awesome! I wonder what the announcement from Rush, the band, is going to be!" I thought that thought because I have associated the word "Rush" with "the band called Rush" in my brain since 1980, when I saw some kids that were in my 4th grade class lip synch to the Rush tune "Tom Sawyer" - my brain has been wired like that for 39 years. Eager to find out, I read the body of the email.

It'd be appropriate to scroll down, at this point, before you read more words from me.

After I read the body of the email, an audible sigh escaped me. It was the kind of sigh that is a cross between exasperation and the hissing sound of a balloon's air being released. 
Here's the email in my Inbox:

Here's the body of the email:

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