Thursday, December 5, 2019

Provoking Thoughts I

I came across two different websites that I wanted to at least mention. I think each are deserving of their own post.

The first is Bryan Reeves website which includes a post called "Choose Her Everyday or Leave Her". Reeves is a talented writer. He lays out a case for how to live as a husband. Basically, his argument is to choose the person you say you love. For me, it's Karen, but the words could be applied to whatever person you are with. For example, the article would instruct my son, Alex, to choose Hannah, his girlfriend. Reeves goes on to imply that you do not live your best life when you do not choose your partner every day. I have a habit of reading an article and finding a small nugget of information that I take with me after reading it. There are other points Reeves makes that I believe should be shared so that is why I created this post and am mentioning the site. Before reading the article that made me want to write this post, you MUST read "his story" here.
I read Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her) prior to "his story" but that was a mistake. The context I didn't have is not what I wish upon you. Only after doing so are you allowed to read additional words full of insight. I'm not even going to include a direct link to the article I read - you will have to find Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her), which was published on May 2, 2015, on your own. The previous sentence has enough of a clue for you to find the article.

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