Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sleeping In...

Today was my opportunity to sleep in. We have nothing going until 4:30 today, which is when we're hosting a pizza party for members of the CEW team @ our house. I expect around 20 people. We've cleaned the house and borrowed card tables and chairs and except for vaccuuming - my job - we have things in order.

The next few weeks, though, are very busy.

Monday: Alex piano @ 5:30 / Megan softball @ 6:00
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Megan piano @ 5:30
Thursday: Holy Thursday Mass @ 7:30 (I think I'm playing drums)
Friday: Leave for Balltown when I get off work @ 5. The kids are out @ noon.
Saturday: Holy Saturday Mass @ 8:00 in Sherrill
Sunday: Easter Sunday / Drive home

And then it starts all over again. As of now, we don't know when Alex's baseball practice will be so that is not scheduled below.

4/18, CEW meeting in Waterloo in the AM so I have to leave ~7:30.

4/22, Bayside concert in Des Moines, IA, with my friend Chris.

4/25, my nephew's 1st Communion in Cedar Falls.

5/2, my nephew's 1st Communion in Chicagoland.

5/9, Mother's Day weekend. Megan may be going on a band trip to Adventureland and, rumor has it, I am going to be one of the Dad chaperones.

5/16, I think we will get the camper from storage in Zhwingle and (probably) spend the weekend in Balltown. (Not sure about that.)

5/23, Memorial Day weekend.

5/30, packing for June 3, 2009.

6/3, we are leaving for my cousin's son's wedding in South Dakota.

6/12, Sigwarth campout in Elkader. I am off work 6/3-6/12 so I'd like to get up to Elkader 6/11 and play golf on 6/12. Depends upon when we get back from vacation.

6/19 - 6/27 - nothing scheduled. We haven't decided if we are going to spend them in Elkader or not. 6/26 is the outdoor Heart concert @ the Riverside casino (all ages) and tickets are $35.

7/2-7/5 4th of July weekend. I am on vacation 7/2 & 7/3 and the 4th is on Saturday.

I actually have nothing scheduled on any day in July. Baseball/softball will be over but to say we'll be bored is not based in reality.

August 1st is a wedding in Des Moines.

August 7-9 is the college campout.

August 10th-August 12th is client conference

Megan turns 13 on 8/14.

School starts 8/20, the same day as Algona Rock Fest in Algona.

Regina Fall Fun Festival is 9/4 and, probably, the Sunday after that, Dudes basketball practice will start up again.

And then... and then....

So, today was my last morning to sleep in for several mornings and I chose to hop on the PC and blog. I am sick.

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