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Friday, September 13, 2019

Dead Flowers is a Top 10 RS Tune

When I saw this list of the top 10 tunes by The Rolling Stones, I noticed "Dead Flowers" was missing so I decided to write about my personal connection to that tune.
"Dead Flowers" is one of many tunes that I didn't know until it was suggested at a Lou's Classic Ride rehearsal, which was one of the perks of playing in LCR. I don't know if I would have ever heard the Black Keys tune "Lonely Boy" had it not been suggested in rehearsal. As for The Rolling Stones, I have always been more of a Casual Fan than a "Super Fan" as my interest in the band has never been overwhelmingly driving me to listen to every tune in their catalog. There are other bands - Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, Phish, The Beatles - about which I feel the same - I think I have wrote a post about bands I place in that category. I don't deny their greatness and respect what they have done as musicians, but I just haven't been consumed by their tunes. Doesn't mean I despise their music; it means I prefer any of the following bands to The Rolling Stones:
  1. Bayside 
  2. Metallica
  3. Count the Stars
  4. Shinedown
  5. Bigwig
  6. The Cardinal Sin (I just re-listened to their album the other day)
  7. Adelitas Way (I just re-listened to Homeschool Valedictorian album the other day)
Anyways, when I state that I think "Dead Flowers" should be on the list of the top 10 tunes by the Rolling Stones, I write that with a status of "causal fan" not a master of their material.

One of my favorite moments playing drums is when Joe let loose during "Dead Flowers" at this point in the tune - look at my smile!

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