Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Take on Benghazi

I don't really know how long this whole crappy Benghazi situation is going to fester. I don't know if this controversy lives another six months. When it happened, in September 2012, I sincerely believe the mainstream media wanted to downplay the situation and that idea is true now. I watched, in disbelief, as ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer spent more time on finding three girls in Cleveland, OH, and spent a short blip (in comparison) about the implications the hearing about this attack will have in the future. This story somewhat summarizes what I think:

But the big thing that gets me is that the Democrats have no answer for Hilary Clinton's often replayed "what does it matter" defensive comment. They can't answer why she is so defensive about this event. I mean, seriously, if it doesn't matter what happened, why the hell didn't she present a clear, comprehensive, and reasonable explanation? Why? And it's not, as some think, that those like me who have Republican tendencies are out to get Clinton. It's not. Really. I just want to know two things:
  1. Why didn't we know what to do when the Libyan embassy was attack? Why did four Americans have to die? What could we have done better?
  2. Why were the talking points changed? Who changed them? Why?
Despite all the mainstream media would have you believe, if my President really wasn't concerned about these hearings, why, oh, why would he go waaayyyy far away from Washington, DC, on the day of the hearings? Why didn't he stand in the Rose Garden after the hearings? He's certainly been in town when there are hearings. He often comments about them when he asked by reporters.

My impression is that my president knows this is bad. There is unlikely a scenario where his legacy is untarnished. It is unclear life will never be the same.

I will probably not write about Benghazi in the near future. Maybe a month from now, I'll wipe the egg from my face and look back at this and smirk. I hope there is a clear, concise, and reasonable answers are given to the answers above.

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