Monday, May 13, 2013

Try Not to Get any On your Shoes

Benghazi has exploded. It's suddenly a mainstream media story. Some thing that it is all about smearing Hilary Clinton's reputation so that she doesn't win in 2016. You get comments on like this:

This clip is "fact v. politics" and you can decide if it is biased or not.

NO!! That's not it! I don't agree with it. This is it. Terrorism was the cause, it was always the cause, and yet, Susan Rice blamed a video, Hilary Clinton blamed a video, and Obama blamed a video. If it was terrorism and everyone knew it was terrorism, why did it get repeated for several weeks that a video caused it? Why?

What is the end game to all of this? Do I think this will have any impact in the 2014 elections? In the 2016 elections?
Only time will tell.

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