Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10 Best Metal Drummers

I came across a list of the top 10 Metal Drummers and learned some things.
  1. The Top 10 Metal Drummers does not include Lars Ulrich, which (of course) I disagree with his exclusion.
  2. In the comments section, there are a lot of links to drummers / bands I've not listened to previously so I look forward to that.
  3. The URL for the list is set up like this: http://blogs.ocweekly.com/heardmentality/2014/01/10_best_metal_drummers.php?page=1 and when you view that page, there is a link to page 2 (http://blogs.ocweekly.com/heardmentality/2014/01/10_best_metal_drummers.php?page=2) and from there, you can go back to 1 or forward to 3. There are 5 total pages because the 10 drummers are split into 2 drummers per page. What I learned is that when I changed the number at the end of the URL to "all", all 5 pages display on a single page!!!! I had no idea that would work. So here's the link to the list of the 10 Best Metal Drummers with all 10 drummers on a single page: http://blogs.ocweekly.com/heardmentality/2014/01/10_best_metal_drummers.php?page=all

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