Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Drinking Water

One of my MANY MANY MANY entries on a list of my vices is that I drink Mountain Dew, most commonly the Live Wire (orange) variety, and Pepsi. And when I say, "I drink Mountain Dew and Pepsi," that can be translated into "I drink too much Mountain Dew and Pepsi." I used to track how much I drank on a daily basis but I have since given that up because I knew the numbers I was tracking were not realistic as I only tracked the Pepsi and Mountain Dew I drank at work so it wasn't the full picture of my consumption. You could liken it to an alcoholic tracking how much they drink at the bar but not when the alcoholic is sitting in the basement with a case of beer. Maybe not that dramatic, but you get the idea.

I mention all of this because when I read this article about drinking a gallon of water a day, I sat up and took notice. What if I try this? What if I try to drink as much water as I do Pepsi and Mountain Dew for four weeks?

Thus, that's what I will begin tomorrow. I will drink a gallon of water every day from Thursday, October 23, 2014, through Wednesday, November 19, 2014, and then, on Thursday, November 20, 2014, I will evaluate how doing this has changed me.

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