Saturday, August 16, 2008

Phelps, Party on, and More HS stuff

Did you see Michael Phelps last night?!? He touched out the 2nd place swimmer by .01 of a second with his final push. It was amazing to watch. I am glad he didn't give up or think the race was over prior to it being over, which is what the 2nd place swimmer did. I am an ex-swimmer. I swam all four years in high school and my coach, Steve Shean, drilled it into our heads to finish the race. I also swam in a swim club called CRAA and the coach at the time, Scott Bonine, talked about finishing the race as well. It was interesting to see, in the race for the gold medal, that a swimmer that didn't push hard at the end could be beaten by the narrowest of margins. Now they're talking about protesting the result. I actually thought Phelps got 2nd. I think his mother did too. It wasn't until seeing the replay in slow motion that I concluded Phelps touched first. I'm glad he did and I'm proud that the Americans are doing so well in China.

The 100 butterfly was the only race I saw because I was at our neighborhood party last night. I fell asleep in front of the firepit and got sent to bed. Obviously, I was tired.

Prior to falling asleep, though, I talked to our neighbor Carrie. We talked about high school reunions. She talked about how, 20 years later, some people are still stuck in the cliques they were in high school. My neighbor Mark joined that conversation and talked about at his high school reunion, he saw the same thing. That conversation, and others I've had with my friends, make me think I made the right decision. Sure, I could have had fun. It would have been nice to see faces I haven't seen in 20 years. But it all gets shaken down to this. I am not who I was 20 years ago and to go back to that person:
  • who didn't have the nerve to ask more girls out
  • who didn't push harder in the aforementioned swim team practices and in the weight room
  • who didn't do more than exist
That person is gone. There are traces of that person in what I say and do, but for the most part, that person is long gone. Going back to that person is a waste of time.

There. Now I am done talking about my high school reunion. Not going to talk about it anymore on this blog.

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